


2020/06/24 17:19:27 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1839 移动端


结账常用语: How much is this dress?这件裙子多少钱? It's 50$. 50美元。

OK, I'll buy it.好的,我买了。Would you like to pay now?现在付款吗?

I'd like to pay now. Do you accept Union Pay? 我现在可以付款,接受银联刷卡吗? Yes, we do .Can I have your passport, please? 可以,请您出示一下护照?Here you go. 给您。Would you like to pay in Chinese yuan or US dollar? 你是用人民币还是美元结账? Chinese yuan, please. 人民币。结账后,在国外购物还需要退税,此时需要用到以下句子:

Do you need tax free?你需要退税单吗? Yes, please.好的。Please sign your name here and fill in other blanks before you go to the airport.请在这签名,然后在去机场前把其它空白处填好。OK, thanks.好,谢谢。

Do you want the tax refund in cash or to your credit card? 您想现金退税还是退到您的信用卡里? I prefer cash. 现金吧。



商场里经常会推出一些打折商品吸引顾客,我们常见到的写着20%off 这样的牌子,意思是货品“打八折”,店员也可以跟顾客说We can take 10%.“可以给你打九折。”我们还会经常看见大大的“Sale”表示促销,常见短语有for sale“待售,出售”These glasses are not for sale.这些眼镜是非卖品。clearance sale 表示“清仓大减价” The department store is having a big sale. 商场正在促销。

我们可以这样讨价还价,用英文“Shall I make an offer?”表示“出价,开价”

A:Shall I make an offer?可以讲价吗?

B:It’s the best offer I can make. Take it or leave it.这是我能出的最低价,买就买,不买就算了。

Can you give me a little deal on this? 这能卖的便宜点吗?

Come on. Give me a break on this.别这样,就给我让点儿价吧!

Let's make it 50 yuan, a round number.就50元了,凑个整吧。

I’ll tell my friends about your shop. Can I get a special price?我会给朋友宣传你家店,可以给我个优惠价吗?

在商家优惠活动中中,我们经常看到20% off这样的牌子,告诉我们商品“打八折”,所以40% off就是“打六折”的意思;在询问打折时还可以用“How about a 20% discount?"

A:How about a 30% discount? That’s a bit higher than I wanted to pay.打个七折怎么样?这超过我的心里价格。

B:In that case,we can take 20 off. This pair of glasses fit you very well. Its design is also in fashion.这样的话,可以给你打个八折。这幅眼镜跟你很配,而且它的设计风格也很时尚。

A:OK. I’ll take it.好的,我就买这个了。

B:OK. Let me pack it up for you.好的,我给您包起来。

商场中我们经常会看到摆放on sale的牌子来表示“打折”,专门售卖打折物品的商店可以叫bargain store,如果我们要表示有促销活动可以说“have a big sale”,也可以说成“put on a huge sale”。

A:I like this purse desperately but I cannot afford it.我非常喜欢这个钱包,可是买不起。

B:Alibaba will have a big sale on Singles' Day. You can buy it on that day.淘宝双十一那天会有促销。到时候你就能买了。

“sale”意思是“出售、售卖”常见短语有for sale “待售,出售”,如These shoes are not for sale. 这些鞋是非卖品。;on sale表示“打折促销”,而clearance sale表示“清仓大减价”。



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