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继我们上节的evidence分析之后,接下来本周我们将来学习学习prompt中的第三小点的内容-stylistic or persuasive elements。
(这时候应该就有小伙伴细声发问,为啥讲完1的evidence,不讲2的reasoning,直接跳到3的stylistic element呢,这么没有规律的吗?)
(当然是有规律有意义的啦,因为reasoning会涉及到段落整体结构的理解,而stylistic or persuasive elements只是部分句子内容的分析。所以,是不是更简单更好掌握呢?)
step 1: identity
step 2: quote, paraphrase, summarize
step 3: analyze
接下来,我们将对stylistic or persuasive elements进行细分讲解。
1, Classification
Simile(明瑜), metaphor(暗喻), personification(拟人), parallelism(排比), irony(讽刺), hyperbole(夸张), allusion(引用典故)
2, 抽取几个高频的来分析分析8~
A: simile & metaphor
Similes are comparisons that use the words like or as ;
metaphors are comparison that are implied rather than stated.
“flypapers…dangling like toxic seaweed.”
The authors applied simile for direction comparison between flypapers and seaweed. By using such comparison, the author vividly shows the similar feature of both, that is persistent but annoyed, so as to present an image in our mind about the sales trying too hard to sell you something. The usage of simile can draw the readers’interest and lead them into the passage.
Irony is the contrast between what is expected and what actually happens. This type of irony can be used to surprise readers.
A strange thing has happened in the American arts during the past quarter century. While income rose to unforeseen levels, college attendance ballooned, and access to information increased enormously, the interest young Americans showed in arts - and especially literature - actually diminished.
The author uses irony to emphasize his argument. In paragraph 1, the author points out “a strange thing”in the U.S. that while income, college attendance as well as access to information all increase, “the interest young Americans showed in the arts – and especially literature – actually diminished.”by employing ironic contrast, the author directly presents the urgent phenomenon appearing in the contemporary society that fewer and fewer people read literature. This irony shows that since citizens have more money and they can get higher education to realize the significance of reading, together with more reading materials, the interest in arts should not decline, but increase. Meanwhile, it also shows the disappointment of the author.
好了,这个就是关于stylistic or persuasive element的简单分析,记得关注下回的reasoning噢~
闫丽 经验: 18年 案例:6728 擅长:美国