


2015/06/05 15:28:11 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:2281 移动端
1巴斯大学(University of Bath)
  巴斯大学为国际大学翻译学院联合会(CIUTI) 的四个会员大学之一,翻译与口译专业为欧洲议会特别拨款给巴斯大学所设立,志为联合国和欧洲议会输送优秀翻译人员。是欧洲最早提供翻译课程(非纯口译)的学校之一。多年来已造就无数翻译专家,在翻译领域中居翘楚之地位,提供英-法、英-德、英-西、英-俄等欧洲语,以及英-中、英-日等亚洲语言的双向口译笔译课程。课程以实用的课程为主,并非纯学术理论导向,学生有机会至联合国在欧洲举行之会议进行观摩,故任何学术背景领域者皆可申请。

MA Interpreting & Translating

Students may follow one of two possible paths:
  • Path 1:allows students with English as their ‘A’ language to offer two other languages - from Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish - working only into English.
  • Path 2:allows students to work in both directions between Chinese/English or Russian/English.

Programme structure

European Stream (French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish)
  • Consecutive interpreting (all year core unit)
  • Simultaneous interpreting (all year core unit)
  • Public speaking (Semester 1 option)
  • Professional translation I (Semester 1 core unit)
  • Professional translation II (Semester 2 core unit)
  • Public service interpreting (Semester 2 option)
  • Using technology in the T & I Industry (Semester 2 option)
  • Dissertation: 15,000 word thesis: annotated translation or a project type
Chinese Stream
  • Consecutive interpreting (all year core unit)
  • Simultaneous interpreting (all year core unit)
  • Liaison/Public service interpreting (all year core unit)
  • Public speaking (Semester 1 option)
  • Professional translation I (Semester 1 core unit)
  • Professional translation II (Semester 2 option)
  • Using technology in the T & I Industry (Semester 2 option)
  • Dissertation: 15,000 word thesis: annotated translation or a project type

Entry requirements

Academic requirements

  • First or 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in an appropriate subject, from a recognised university.
  • Applicants for Path 1need to offer English as their ‘A’ language and demonstrate degree-level competence in two foreign languages (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish).
  • Applicants for Path 2with Chinese or Russian as their ‘A’ language need to demonstrate a degree or equivalent qualification in English. Applicants whose ‘A’ language is English should demonstrate degree level attainment or similar in either Chinese or Russian.

English Language requirements (for Path 1 applicants only)

Candidates with English as their first language are considered if they have completed primary and secondary education in an English-speaking country (other criteria may be applied on a case by case basis, such as bi-lingual ability).

English Language requirements (for Path 2 applicants only)

Certificates must be dated to within two years of the start of the programme of study.
  • Academic IELTS 7.5 (with no less than 6.5 in each of the four components)


  • Two referencesare required. At least one of these must be an academic reference.
2伦敦都会大学(London Metropolitan University)
  伦敦都会大学为国际大学翻译学院联合会(CIUTI) 的会员,其口译专业开设于2004年,由多名身为AIIC会员并拥有欧盟或联合国认证的教师授课,是一门以理论和实践为基础,并专门设立了以培养专业同声传译员的职业课程。学生通过学习该课程,将自己熟练的口译技巧结合理论和口译专业框架,从而应用到一系列口译学科当中:包括公共服务口译,会议口译和远程口译(电话和视频会议)。课程的一个关键部分是一个实践课。在此期间,将在职业口译人员的陪同下完成现场口译任务。伦敦城市大学的口译课程提供多种语言与英文配对组合包括:法语,德语,意大利语,华语,波兰语,日语,俄语,西班牙语和葡萄牙语。根据学科、员工的专业知识和可用性,也会提供更多小语种与英语组合的课程,例如罗马尼亚、达里语和立陶宛语等小语种口译课程。大学口译专业的多语种搭配数量,可以作为其口译专业教学能力的参考,多语种教学需要学校有更丰富的教授资源,也需要教授们有更强的专业能力与跨文化交流经验,这也是伦敦城市大学会议口译专业的特色之一。
与多个英国专业翻译机构保持合作,如:Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI), Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), AIIC
Interpreting MA
Course structure
Students complete six core modules and a Dissertation or Research project of 15,000 words. The modules are:
  • The Interpreter's Skills and Tools
  • Interpreting Theories and Research for Interpreters
  • Conference Interpreting module 1
  • The Interpreter's Professional Environment and Work Placement
  • Public Service Interpreting (health or legal option)
  • Conference Interpreting module 2
Entry requirements
  • A 2.1 first degree (or a 2.2 with professional experience in interpreting). Candidates with substantial experience as a professional interpreter but no degree will be considered;
  • Certificate and Diploma level: English and one other language. MA level: English and one or two other languages;
  • Near-native proficiency in their first foreign language (language B) and/or a good command of their second foreign language (language C);
  • A very good command of English. One of the following qualifications is required:
  • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE): Grade AM
  • Overall required: 6.5. Minimum required component scores: Listening; 6.0,Reading; 6.0,Writing; 6.0,Speaking; 6.0
3赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-watt University)
  赫瑞瓦特大学为国际大学翻译学院联合会(CIUTI) 的会员,其语言&文化交流系在笔译,口译和欧洲研究高等教育中已具有较长的历史。该系成立于1970年,在提供口笔译硕士课程方面具有非常丰富的经验,而且专门为将来有意开拓翻译或口译事业的学生设计了中英口译硕士学课程,从而满足社会对专业翻译者不断增长的需求。这个课程也为那些希望继续攻读博士的学生提供了很好的基础。

Chinese-English Interpreting and Translating MSc

Semester 1 Semester 2
Applied Professional Skills for Conference Interpreters Conference Interpreting (Chinese-English)
Translation Practice Chinese-English 1 Translation Practice Chinese-English 2
  Translation and Interpreting Studies
Two optional courses
to be chosen from a range including:

  • Translation Technologies
  • Liaison & Public Service Interpreting
  • Business Communication
  • International Politics
  • Intercultural Communication in the Workplace
  • Cross-cultural Perspectives on Society
  • Global Heritage
  • Beginner language courses in French, German, Spanish, Arabic, British Sign Language, Gaelic
One optional course
to be chosen from a range including:

  • Subtitling
  • Liaison Interpreting for Business
  • Localisation & Technical Writing
  • Intercultural Perspectives on Sustainable Development
  • Project Management
  • Beginner language courses in French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, British Sign Language, Gaelic

Entry requirements

1.  Native / near-native command of English plus native / near-native command of Chinese
2.  Good degree or equivalent in a relevant language subject.

Entrance tests

All suitable applicants will be interviewed and undergo a short test, usually via Skype or telephone.

English language requirements

Non-native speakers of English must provide evidence of their English language ability. This must be IELTS 7.0, or equivalent, with at least 6.5 in all components. A score of 6.0 in writing maybe accepted if the applicant performs well in the entrance test.

Interpreting and Translating MSc

Semester 1 Semester 2
Applied Professional Skills for Conference Interpreters Conference Interpreting
Translation Practice 1 Translation Practice 2
  Translation & Interpreting Studies
Two from a range including:
  • Translation Technologies
  • Liaison & Public Service Interpreting
  • Business Communication
  • International Politics
  • Intercultural Communication in the Workplace
  • Cross-cultural Perspectives on Society
  • Global Heritage
  • Beginner language courses in French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, British Sign Language, Gaelic
One from a range including
  • Subtitling
  • Liaison Interpreting for Business
  • Localisation & Technical Writing
  • Intercultural Perspectives on Sustainable Development
  • Project Management
  • Beginner language courses in French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, British Sign Language, Gaelic

Entry requirements

Strand A
1. Native / near-native command of English plus native / near-native command of French, German, or Spanish
2. Good degree or equivalent in a relevant subject.
Strand B
1. Native / near-native command of English plus an excellent command of two from French, German, Spanish, Arabic or Chinese.
2. Good degree or equivalent in a relevant subject.

Entrance Tests

Suitable applicants will be invited for interview and to undertake a short test.

English language requirements

Non-native speakers of English must provide evidence of their English language ability. This must be IELTS 7.0, or equivalent, with at least 6.5 in all components. A score of 6.0 in writing maybe accepted if the applicant performs well at interview and test.
4威斯敏斯特大学(University of Westminster)
  威斯敏斯特大学同巴斯大学、伦敦城市大学和赫瑞瓦特大学同为国际大学翻译学院联合会(CIUTI) 的会员,曾经也是欧盟同传学位机构(EMCI)的成员之一,具有一流的师资和全英领先的翻译与口译教学水平,虽然对该校的成员认证已在三年前被取消(详见EMCI网站),学校也因此关闭了会议口译专业,目前的课程设置较以前有一定差距,但由于其仍然具有一定的教学水准并被广泛认知,每年申请的学生数量依然很多。只是需要注意的是,由于威斯敏斯特大学已经关闭了EMCI课程,所以目前英国大学暂时没有EMCI成员大学,但学生依然可以申请该大学的口译(偏向公共服务口译而不是会议口译)、口译与翻译等专业,有能力的学生也可以申请AIIC成员认证(AIIC只针对个人认证,而非大学)。同时,威斯敏斯特大学地处伦敦市中心,学生可以接触到各种大型的会议和会展,拥有伦敦以外的学校所没有的锻炼的机会。
University of Westminster

Translation and Interpreting MA

Course content

The course emphasis is on practical training in translation and interpreting, developing your skills to a high level and learning about the professional environments. If you are a native speaker of English, your translation modules will involve both institutional and technical translation from French, Italian, Polish or Spanish into English. If you are native speaker of Chinese, French, Italian, Polish or Spanish, your translation modules will cover institutional translation from and into your native language (commonly referred to as your 'first' or 'main' language). You will also study conference and public service interpreting, and learn new relevant skills through the option modules. You will also complete a research-based MA Thesis or an MA Translation or Interpreting Project. Your studies are further supported by regular student-led interpreting practice sessions and mock conferences, blended learning provision on developing your professionalism, weekly lectures on the theoretical concepts and principles of translation and interpreting, introductory workshops to a range of translation memory tools, and guest lectures and workshops delivered by external speakers from industry and international institutions.

Core modules

Conference Interpreting

This module introduces you to interpreting in formal conference scenarios in consecutive and simultaneous mode. After an introduction to advanced skills in concentration, memory, message analysis and split attention, you will learn note-taking techniques in consecutive interpreting, and you will practise sight translation as well as simultaneous interpreting in the booth.

Public Service Interpreting

This module introduces you to public service interpreting in the fields of health and law. Following targeted introductions to the subject areas and topics covered, you will practise public service interpreting in simulated situations.

Main Language Institutional Translation (into your first language)

You will be introduced to specialist texts of the kind you will be expected to handle in a professional context. These will cover international and government institutions, as well as the fields of economics, finance, business, politics and law.

Main Language Technical Translation (Native speakers of English only)

You will be introduced to a wide range of specialist texts relating to technology and science of the kind you will be expected to handle in a professional context.

Second Language Institutional Translation (Native speakers of Chinese, French, Italian, Polish or Spanish only)

This module differs from the main language module only in that you will be translating into English as a second language for information purposes.

MA Interpreting Project or MA Translation Project OR MA Thesis

The MA Interpreting Project is an extended piece of work of 12,000 - 15,000 words, which aims to help you reflect on and apply theoretical models to your practice as a trainee interpreter. The project is divided into three parts: a reflective report logging your learning process during the MA, an error analysis of a portfolio of three speeches you have interpreted throughout the year, and a rhetorical analysis of one of these speeches. Preparation for the project will be provided in a series of workshops throughout the year. Alternatively, you can do an MA Translation Project, a 6,000 - 8,000-word extended translation on a subject of your choice, accompanied by a preface and a set of annotations on the translation challenges involved. Preparation for writing the preface and annotations will be provided by a series of lectures throughout the course. you can also choose to do an MA Thesis. This is a piece of scholarly research, 12,000 - 15,000 words long, on a translation- or interpreting-related topic. In preparation for writing your Thesis, you will attend regular research methodology and work-in-progress sessions. Regardless of your choice of Project or Thesis, you will also receive individual supervision.

Option modules

Advanced English Language skills for interpreters (native speakers of Chinese, French, Italian, Polish or Spanish only)

This module will help you develop and perfect your oral English language skills through activities that address specific interpreting issues and through speech writing and delivery. The module will also cover rhetorical analysis of a variety of speeches to determine their characteristic features.

Computer-assisted Translation (CAT)

The CAT module will introduce you to the basic features of computer-assisted translation (translation memory and machine translation), and provide practical experience of some common tools currently available.

Editing: Principles and Practice

This module will introduce you to the skills of translation criticism and quality reporting, translation editing and revision, post-editing and proof reading.

Intercultural Communication

You will be introduced to the different theories of the nature of cross-cultural interaction and of intercultural competence. The module also looks closely at the application of these theories to specific issues in professional contexts, such as translation, cross-cultural skills and knowledge transfer, and the cross-cultural implications of globalisation.

Introduction to Audiovisual Translation

The module will introduce you to the subject of audiovisual translation and includes hands-on translation experience and training in how to use subtitling software.

Main Language Technical Translation (native speakers of French, Italian, Polish or Spanish only)

You will be introduced to a wide range of specialist texts relating to technology and science of the kind you will be expected to handle in a professional context.

Second Language Technical Translation (native speakers of French, Italian, Polish or Spanish only)

You will be introduced to a wide range of specialist texts relating to technology and science, translating into English as a second language for information purposes.


This module will cover concepts and issues in sociolinguistics, such as class, gender, ethnicity, multilingual communities, language variation, choice, planning, change, decline and death, and language in face-to-face interaction.

Subsidiary Language (languages subject to annual confirmation)

Over the year, you will be introduced gradually to a language that is cognate with your main language. You will gain an overview of the language based on grammar and syntax, and source language texts. As the year progresses, you will learn to translate graded technical and non-technical texts.

Translating Cultures

This module opens up the understanding of 'translation' to include the transmission and interpretation of values, beliefs, histories and narratives not only across linguistic, cultural or geographical boundaries, but also, for example, from one medium or time period to another. By reading the works of key theorists from around the world in the intersecting fields of translation and cultural studies, the module aims to enhance students' understanding of how historical and contemporary cultural interactions can be examined through a translational paradigm.

United Nations and European Union for Linguists

This module will equip you with a detailed knowledge and understanding of the structures and functioning of the UN and EU. In particular, it aims to explain the role of the main institutions of the UN and EU and their interaction with national governments, and the role of professional linguists in these processes.

Analysing Spoken and Written Discourse 

This module will introduce you to the theories of genre and discourse analysis; audience design, purpose and style; rhetoric and persuasion; text-types, text structures, and grammatical and lexical features. Texts are selected from a wide range of sources, typifying different styles, levels of formality, registers, audiences, purposes and specialisations.
You should have a good first degree, preferably in modern languages, but we also consider applicants with degrees in other disciplines, provided you possess the necessary linguistic skills. Mature linguists without a degree but with sufficient experience in translation and/or interpreting are invited to apply. You will need fluent written and spoken English and an IELTS score of 6.5 overall (with 6.5 in writing and 7.0 in speaking) or equivalent if English is not your first language. All applicants take an entry test consisting of written and oral components.
5纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University)
  纽卡斯尔大学的现代语言学院的口译/翻译硕士课程,是英国大学中设有中英/英中历史最悠久的。纽卡斯尔大学的现代语言学院是全世界唯一设有从高级文凭,硕士,到博士学位课程的大学,提供优秀学生在翻译及口译的领域内进修和研究的机会。纽卡斯尔的翻译课程为将来有意开拓翻译或口译事业的学生设计了一年或二年的中英/英中翻译/口译硕士学程。两年课程的第一年是为期九个月的高级翻译文凭(Diploma),接下来是第二年为期12个月的硕士课程(MA),当然了优秀的学生可以申请直接进入第二年的学习。MA课程中学生可依专长和兴趣选择以下四种不同的领域:MA Translating翻译硕士、MA Interpreting口译硕士、MA Translating & Interpreting 翻译及口译硕士、或者MA Translation Studies翻译学硕士。同时,在学习期间研究所每年会带队学生自费前往欧盟和联合国参观及学习国际会议口译。历届毕业校友们回国后,绝大部分都能迅速顺利进入顶尖的翻译公司或口译界发挥其专长,或在大学里任教。

Translating and Interpreting MA

Stage one

Compulsory modules

All candidates take the following compulsory modules:

Optional modules

You will take optional modules to a value of 20 credits from available modules within the University, with the agreement of the Degree Programme Director.

Stage two

Compulsory modules

Candidates focusing on translating take the following compulsory modules:
Candidates focusing on interpreting take the following compulsory modules:
You will take one of the two translating modules listed below:

Optional modules

All candidates will take optional modules to a value of 20 or 30 credits from the following:

Stage one entry

A 2:1 honours degree or a degree with a minimum average of 75% (or GPA 2.75) on your transcript. In addition, we require native English speaking applicants to have good degree-level knowledge of Chinese. When applying, please enclose any evidence you may have to support your second language proficiency qualification. We will also consider your application on an individual basis if you have lower or non-standard qualifications and at least two years' full-time experience as a translator or an interpreter.
Applicants whose first language is not English require IELTS 7.0, with a minimum of 6.5 in speaking and writing and 6.0 in listening and reading, which must be no more than two years old on starting the course.No equivalent English language qualifications can be considered on this course.
If you meet the entry requirements for stage one, you will be registered on to the MA in Translating and Interpreting. Upon successful completion of this stage, you will take one of the suitable stage two pathways, according to your academic results and your personal preferences.
If you leave the MA after completing stage one, without proceeding to stage two, you will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Translating and Interpreting, subject to your academic results.

Stage two entry (advanced)

A 2:1 honours degree or a degree with a minimum average of 80% (or GPA 3.0) on your transcript. You must also have expert second-language knowledge.
Applicants whose first language is not English require IELTS 7.5 with a minimum of 7.0 in all sub-sections, which must be no more than two years old on starting the course.No equivalent English language qualifications can be considered on this course.
If you leave the MA after completing stage two, without proceeding to a dissertation or project, you will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Translating and Interpreting, subject to your academic results.
6诺丁汉大学(Nottingham University)
Chinese/English Translation & Interpreting MA
Compulsory modules offered have included:
  • Introduction to Translation Theory
  • Practical Translation
  • Bi-lateral Interpreting
  • Technological Tools for Translators
  • English (or Chinese) for Language Professionals
  • Targeted Translation Project
Entry requirements:2.1(Upper 2nd class hons degree or international equivalent) 58% grade point average for UK degrees
IELTS:6.5 (no less than 6.0 in any element)
7曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester)

Conference Interpreting MA

Entry requirements
Applicants should hold a good, Upper Second Class Honours degree, or its overseas equivalent, normally in a relevant subject.

English language

An overall grade of 7.0 (with a minimum writing score of 7) in IELTS is required or 100+ in the iTOEFL with a minimum writing score of 25.

Course description

The  MA in Conference Interpreting  (MACINT) aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills for a career in conference interpreting.
Students will offer one of two profiles, reflecting the two distinct profiles of practising conference interpreters.
Profile 1: Designed for students who have English as their native language (A language) and two passive foreign languages (C languages). These students will be trained in both types of interpreting out of both C languages into their A language.
Profile 2:Designed for students with Arabic, Chinese, French, German and Spanish as their native language (A language) and English as an active foreign language (B language), or English as their native language (A language) and Arabic, Chinese, French, German or Spanish as an active foreign language (B language). These students will be trained in both types of interpreting in both directions (i.e. B-A and A-B).
The taught component of the MA combines 75 credits of conference interpreting courses (consecutive and simultaneous interpreting) with 45 credits of research-oriented courses. The dissertation (60 remaining credits) is written on a research project or a specific interpreting assignment (interpreting plus critical analysis). The programme prepares students for a professional career as a conference interpreter, developing the range of linguistic, specialist and technological skills required in the work place.
8利兹大学(University of Leeds)

MA Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies - Bidirectional

Entry requirements
A good undergraduate degree (2:1 honours or above, or the equivalent) and an excellent command of one or more foreign languages. Exceptionally, candidates with equivalent qualifications or experience will be considered.
For non-native English speakers, an overall IELTS score of at least 7.0 (with not less than 7.5 in speaking and listening and 6.5 in reading and writing) is required.
Entry / admissions tests
All candidates must pass an entry test in translation from one language. Translation tests are available to download from the CTS Admissions pageon our website. Applicants will also need to undertake an interview to assess their suitability for interpreting training.
9萨里大学(University of Surrey)
Business Interpreting in Chinese and English MA

Programme overview

Consecutive Interpreting I and II Semester 1 - weekly skills training
Semester 2 - weekly simulated interpreting jobs
Simultaneous Interpreting I and II Semester 1 - weekly skills training
Semester 2 - weekly simulated interpreting jobs
Economics/Business Translation I Semester 1 - skills training with weekly assignments
Interpreting Studies Semester 1 - overview of main principles of interpreting
Dissertation 10,000 words
Internship 1 week at KL Communications Ltdin London with a certificate upon completion. The company is the UK’s leading Chinese interpreting service provider.
Optional Modules
  • Public Service Interpreting (PSI) Trends and Issues
  • Interpreting and Society
  • Economics/Business Translation II
  • Corpora in Translation/Interpreting Practice and Research
  • Research Methods in Translation Studies
Application notes:
IELTS results
We will not test you until we have received your IELTS results. Please note: it is essential that you take your IELTS test early, apply early, and accept our offer early. Although the deadline for application is in June, it is very likely that all places on the programme will have been filled in April, just after the interview.
Aptitude test: written part
The test will consist mainly of translation between English/Chinese both ways. We will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient day and time for the test. We will email the test paper just before the agreed time - you must email it back within 4 hours.
Aptitude test: spoken part
If you succeed in the written test,we will inform you of the dates, time and venue of the interview, which will be conducted by Dr Kevin Lin OBE (林超伦博士) himself.  Dr Lin will inform you of the outcome within 2 days. There will be a reserved date for interview in the summer for exceptional circumstances.

English language requirements

IELTS minimum overall: 7.0,IELTS minimum by component:
Reading: 6.0
Writing: 6.5
Speaking: 6.5
Listening: 6.0
Business Translation with Interpreting MA
Module title Compulsory/
Semester 1 Consecutive and Dialogue Interpreting I C 15
Economic/Business Translation I C 15
Interpreting Studies C 15
Consecutive and Dialogue Interpreting I (in another language pair)*  O 15
Simultaneous Interpreting I* O 15
Ab Initio Language for Translation Purposes I O 15
Scientific/technical translation I* O 15
Translation of Persuasive Texts O 15
Computer-Assisted Translation O 15
Semester 2 Consecutive and Dialogue Interpreting II C 15
Economic/Business Translation II C 15
Translation Issues II C 15
Public Service Interpreting (PSI) Trends and Issues O 15
Consecutive and Dialogue Interpreting II (in another language pair)* O 15
Simultaneous Interpreting II* O 15
Ab Initio Language for Translation Purposes II O 15
Scientific/technical translation II* O 15
Corpora in Translation/Interpreting Practice and Research O 15
Research Methods in Translation Studies O 15
Summer Dissertation C 60

Entry Requirements

Native English speakers: a minimum of a UK 2.2 honours degree, or equivalent, in the relevant language or another relevant subject. Speakers of other languages: an equivalent to a minimum of a UK 2.2 honours degree in English or another relevant subject. In exceptional cases, alternative qualifications and professional experience may be considered. Non-native speakers of English will also be required to have IELTS 6.5 or above (or equivalent), with a minimum of 6.5 in writing and speaking and 6.0 in all other components. A subsequent condition for all applicants meeting these requirements is the successful completion of an interpreting aptitude test.
10密德萨斯大学(Middlesex University)
MA Professional Practice in Interpreting and Translation
  • The programme has been designed to recognise previous professional learning, whether certificated or experiential in nature. To achieve this we have integrated into the design of the programme the following possible options to be included as APL as part of the Review of Learning module, which then lead to a research methods module and a final major project as indicated above:
  • IoLET Diploma in Translation (30 credits at Level 7 per unit);
  • IoLET Diploma in Public Service Interpreting Level 6 (30 credits);
  • Middlesex University Diploma in Interpreting Level 6 (30 credits).
Any student not successful in obtaining 80 credits RoL will be offered the opportunity to transfer on to an individually negotiated pathway, through the programme-planning module WBS4810. This option will also cater for applicants who want to negotiate a specific learning pathway.
  • This course is suitable for practitioners, service managers and bilingual practitioners in the field of interpreting and translation in both the public and private sectors. You must be one of the following:
  • An active practitioner of interpreting with a minimum of two years practical experience in the fields of public service interpreting and/or business and conference interpreting
  • An active practitioner of translation with a minimum of two years practical experience in the fields of public service (community) translation and/or free-lance translation
  • A language service manager with a minimum of two years practical experience in post
  • A bilingual professional with a minimum of two years practical experience in post practicing with two languages
University of Essex

MA Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting

Queen’s University Belfast
MA in Interpreting
Entrance Requirements
Normally a 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent recognised qualification in a relevant subject.
A 2.2 Honours degree or equivalent recognised qualification may be acceptable with 90 hours of relevant professional experience. Exceptionally, applicants who do not hold a 2.2 Honours degree and who possess relevant professional experience may be permitted the opportunity to demonstrate achievement at an equivalent level. Students must demonstrate a high level of proficiency in both their language pairs.
Additional Information for International Students
Non-EEA nationals must satisfy the UK Border Agency (UKBA) immigration requirements for English language for visa purposes. Evidence of an IELTS* score of 6.5, with not less than 5.5 in any component, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University is required. *Taken within the last 2 yrs.
Programme Content
The programme introduces students to the contexts and environments in which professional interpreters work and to the research techniques and modes of practice required by these contexts.
Delivered through a combination of seminars, workshops, guided private study, a programme of visiting speakers and appropriate professional practice, the structure of the programme will enable students to work at the highest professional level.

Please note: not all language pairs will be available in any given year, please inquire for further details.
龙同学:云南财经大学,经贸英语专业,GPA3.5,雅思8.0,申请Newcastle的Translating and Interpreting,一年制课程offer要求均分80分。
李同学:重庆大学,汉语言文学专业,均分81分,雅思8.0,申请Newcastle的Translating and Interpreting,两年制课程offer要求均分75分。
张同学:福建师范大学,英语翻译专业,均分87,雅思7.5,申到Manchester的Conference Interpreting要求获得学位证书;申请Newcastle的Translation and Interpreting 两年制offer要求均分75;申请Bath的Interpreting and Translating(Chinese stream) 拒绝;申请Leeds的Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies-Bidrectional要求均分80;申请Westminster的Interpreting要求均分75。
徐同学:北京林业大学,商务英语专业,均分87.46,雅思7.5,申请Heriot-Watt 的Chinese-English Interpreting & Translation获得学位证书;申请Newcastle的Translating and Interpreting两年制offer要求均分75;申请Westminster的Interpreting and Translating 拒绝,笔试未通过。
张同学:北京外国语大学,翻译专业本科,均分87,翻译专业研究生在读均分88分,雅思7.5,申请Bath的Interpreting and Translating 有押金要求。


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