

名字意味着什么?(阅读剖析:What's in a Name? )

2018/06/22 17:13:50 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:15823 移动端

今天我们继续再分析一篇《剑桥国际英语教程》预备二级(即Level 2 Unit 1)的阅读部分。请看以下原文,以及为便于基础学员理解翻译整理出来的译文:

What's in a Name? 名字意味着什么?

Your name is very important. When you think of yourself, you probably think of your name first. It is an important part of your identity.

Right now, the two most popular names for babies in the United States are “Jacob” for boys and “Emily” for girls. Why are these names popular? And why are some names unpopular?

Names can become popular because of famous actors, TV or book characters, or athletes. Popular names suggest very positive things. Unpopular names suggest negative things. Surprisingly, people generally agree on the way they feel about names. Here are some common opinions about names from a recent survey.


So why do parents give their children unpopular names? The biggest reason is tradition. Many people are named after a family member. Of course, opinions can change over time. A name that is unpopular now might become popular in the future. That’s good news for all the Georges and Bettys out there. 

译文:每个人的名字都非常重要。当你想到自己的时候,你可能首先想到的就是自己的名字,这是你身份的一个重要部分。 如今,在美国最流行的两个婴儿名字男孩是雅各布,女孩是艾米丽。为什么这些名字受欢迎呢?而一些名字又不受欢迎呢? 一些名字由于著名的演员、电视或书中人物,或运动员而流行。受欢迎的名字暗示了积极的事物,不受欢迎的名字则暗示了消极的事物。令人惊讶的是,人们普遍在对名字的感觉上达成一致。以下是来自最近的一项调查中,一些关于人们对名字的普遍看法。



解析:许多初来的学员都没有英文名字,但是外教却又都习惯于叫大家英文名字,所以同学们也乐于给自己找一些好听的英文名字,有不少同学的英文名字就很好听,和自己的中文名字又音近,非常独特好记,没有重名而且也很有意义;有的却苦于不知道该怎么找,有的还隔一段时间换一个。希望以上文章内容能给大家一个参考。下面就来学一下本篇文章的新鲜词汇啦。 Vocabulary:   Average: like everybody else Creative: making or using new or unusual ideas Athletic: good at sports Nerdy: smart, but without good social skills Old-fashioned: having old ideas; not modern Independent: able to do things without help Adventurous: liking excitement and new things Plain: not special Ordinary: not special Intelligent: smart 


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