您所在的位置: 首页> 博文列表> 申请直读澳洲8大本科的方式(包括中国高中生,高考毕业生)
以下: 澳洲:foundation; atar; IB;Certificate;包括但不仅限于下图:
新西兰:National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA); Taylors Auckland Foundation Year; University of Auckland Foundation Certificate
加拿大:British Columbia year 12 – INTL student score; Ontario OSSD – INTL student score; Quebec Collegial Diploma – INTL student score
芬兰:Finland Ylioppilastutkinto 法国: French Baccalaureat – INTL student score 德国: German Abitur - INTL student score 香港: Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education HKDSE - INTL student score 印度: All India Senior School Certificate (CBSE) - INTL student score; Indian School Certificate (ISC); State BoHSSC (For 6 Indian states) - INTL student score;Indian School Certificate - INTL student score
爱尔兰:Irish Leaving Certificate
以色列:Israel Bagrut
意大利:Italian Diploma di Esame di Stato
韩国: College Scholastic Administrative Test (CSAT) - INTL student score 马来西亚: Higher School Certificate;Matriculation Certificate (Maylaysian Matriculation) - INTL student score; Taylors University Foundation in Science;STPM 4 subject - INTL student score; STPM 3 subject - INTL student score;Unified Examination of the Chinese High School in Malaysia (UEC) - INTL student score 挪威:Norwegian Upper Secondary College (Vitnemal) - INTL student score 苏格兰:Scottish National Course- INTL student score
南非: South African National Senior Certificate 新加坡: Singapore Alevels - INTL student score 斯里兰卡: Sri Lankan A Levels - INTL student score 瑞典: Swedish Secondary Certificate (Slutbetyg)- INTL student score 瑞士: Swiis Maturity Certificate- INTL student score 英国,CIS & IOM: GCE A levels - INTL student score 美国:High School Diploma and SAT/ACT ( inc essay & yr 12) - INTL student score; SAT( inc essay & yr 12) - INTL student score
越南: High School Graduation Certificate
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲
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