

南安普顿大学 - 电子工程专业

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南安普顿大学 - 电子工程专业

  南安普顿大学(University of Southampton)是英国东南部学生数量规模较大的高等院校,英国罗素大学集团成员之一。位于英国英格兰南部的海港城市南安普顿,气候宜人,风景迷人,有利的地理位置,快捷便利的交通,分分钟满足你说走就走的伦敦或欧洲之行。此大学工程类课程无论是本科或硕士都值得推荐,电气电子工程为你准备了细致实用的专业设置(通信,微电子技术等电子专业),申请此类专业的学生可参考院校的要求,考虑自身学习成绩及专业认可度,选择合适的相关专业,以下是几个相关专业的简单介绍:

  MSc Energy and Sustainability with Electrical Power Engineering

  Honours Degree:

  Our entry requirement is a upper second class degree (or equivalent) in Electrical or Electronics and Electrical Engineering.

  English Language Requirements:

  IELTS 6.5 overall with at least 6.0 in each competency.


  MSc MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)

  Honours Degree:

  Our normal entry requirement is a first-class or upper second-class degree (or equivalent) in a related discipline, such as Mathematics, Physics or Engineering.

  English Language Requirements:

  IELTS 6.5 overall with at least 6.0 in each competency


  MSc Microelectronics Systems Design

  Honours Degree:

  Our normal entry requirement is a first-class or upper second-class degree (or equivalent) in a related discipline, such as Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Computer Science.

  English Language Requirements:

  IELTS 6.5 overall with at least 6.0 in each competency


  MSc Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology

  Honours Degree:

  Our normal entry requirement is a first-class or upper second-class degree (or equivalent) in a related discipline, such as Engineering, Material Science, or Physics.

  English Language Requirements:

  IELTS 6.5 overall with at least 6.0 in each competency.


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