

英国南安普顿大学工科博士-Engineering Doctorate (EngD)

2017/08/29 10:27:30 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:2935 移动端

英国南安普顿大学工科博士-Engineering Doctorate (EngD)

南安普顿大学位于英格兰南部南安普顿市,是久负盛名的英国顶尖学府,世界百强名校,罗素集团创始成员,世界大学联盟成员,SES(Science and Engineering South Consortium)成员。2016/17年QS世界大学排名中列第87位,在英国主流媒体卫报及泰晤士报等排名中常居前20位。该校为英国最好的十所科研导向的大学之一,在光学光电子,电子电气工程及海洋研究等领域具有世界顶级水准,享有较高的国际声誉。其前身是成立于1862年由当地慈善家Hartley先生出资兴建的哈特利学院,后于1902年成为附属于伦敦大学的一所学院。1902-1952年期间,作为伦敦大学的一个学院颁发学位。自1952年开始,取得皇家宪章以获得学位授予权。
对于工科学生来说,南安普顿大学是英国留学必选学校之一,尤其对于有意向申请博士的工科学生来说,南安普顿大学更是首选院校。下面澳际王萍老师针对该大学的Engineering Doctorate (EngD)课程设置,申请要求等做一简单介绍:
Engineering Doctorate (EngD)
Start date: typically the last week in September
Study mode and duration: Full-time four years
Funding: University and company studentships are awarded competitively. The value of the stipends vary depending on the level of contribution from the sponsoring company but generally a higher level stipend is available than for a PhD to reflect the prestigious nature of the EngD.
Fees per year: Included as part of the studentship.
Our Engineering Doctorate (EngD) will provide you with the technical, business and personal development required to become one of the senior technical managers of the future.
The Southampton EngD in Engineering and the Environment combines advanced technical and management training with PhD level research in collaboration with an industry partner/sponsor.
Projects cover a wide range of topics in the interrelated, and globally critical, areas of engineering and the environment and may be associated with any of the research groups in Engineering and the Environment. Precise topics each year are determined by the research interests of the sponsoring companies, and may be aligned with our current CDTs in:
•      Energy storage and its applications. Understanding the technologies behind energy storage is crucial to a global low carbon economy.
•      Next generation computational modelling. Computer simulations connect theory and experiment and encourage innovation across engineering and science.
•      Sustainable infrastructure systems. Improving global infrastructure is key to economic growth, security, sustainability and wellbeing.
We are also recruiting to EngDs in other themes supported by research in our Faculty, e.g. Transport and the Environment or Biomedical Engineering, as long as there is an industry sponsor.
As all our EngD research students are part sponsored by industry, you will have an industrial supervisor as well as a supervisory team at the University. Research projects are developed collaboratively by the academic supervisors and the research student in consultation with the sponsoring company.
The Engineering Doctorate (EngD) is a four-year doctoral research programme, involving a significant taught component. It is an alternative pathway for postgraduate research students; providing the technical, business and personal development competencies needed to become the senior research managers of the future.
The EngD combines advanced technical and commercial skills training with PhD level research, completed in collaboration with an industry sponsor. Sponsoring companies can range in size from SMEs to University spin-outs to multinational organisations. All of our EngD research students are part-sponsored by industry; so you will have an industrial supervisor as well as a supervisory team at the University. Projects cover a wide range of topics, and are offered by all of our Centres for Doctoral Training. Research projects are developed collaboratively by academic supervisors as well as the research student in consultation with their sponsoring company.
The EngD is a four-year course. The first year is University based; students participate in a taught course in advanced technical areas relating to their research, combined with appropriate commercial skills training. Years two to four are spent conducting applied research, with the opportunity to gain valuable industry and commercial experience through placements with the sponsoring company and an ongoing programme of commercial skills development.
Entry requirements: Upper second-class (2:1) Honours degree (or equivalent) or above in a relevant subject.
Assessment: Coursework and examinations for first year modules, thesis for research component
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