


2017/10/19 18:03:59 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1711 移动端

众所周知, 墨尔本大学的预科是由Trinity College 提供的. 在以前, 对于想高二结束就去墨尔本大学读预科的学生来说, 只有8月份的时长为一年半的August Comprehensive Extended 这一个课程可以读. 在今年, 墨尔本大学提供了一个新的课程, 于3月开学的March Comprehensive Extended课程, 也是一年半, 提供给完成高二的中国学生. 很多学生都觉得非常高兴, 对于高二结束时没有考到雅思的学生来说这个课程非常合适的.

但是!!!!据最新的学校信息, 学校强调, 不管是8月开学还是3月开学得comprehensive extended课程,都仅仅是提供给高二的学生. 就是说, 申请的学生必须是高二结束就必须是退学的状态, 不能在学校继续就读高三的课程!!!! 学校的这个思维逻辑我们也是很难理解啊. 总之,不管是已经发了OFFER的学生, 还是正在申请的学生, 如果想读3月份开学延长课程, 如果你正在读高三是不允许的, 只能申请毕业后开学的main intake的课程. 已经发的OFFER如果学生还是高三就读的状态, OFFER也会被取消掉的.如果你还是想高三毕业前就出去就读墨尔本大学的预科的话, 那么请保证在高二结束之后退学吧!!!!

傲娇的墨尔本大学和预科真的是各种情况都有, 家长最好详细的跟我们沟通各种情况, 我们是学校的直接代理, 会有学校所有的最新信息.


Dear China Colleagues,
Greetings from Trinity College, Melbourne.
I am writing to clarify some misunderstanding regarding the new (2017) March Comprehensive Extended intake.
This is a three semester intake which mirrors the August Comprehensive Extended intake in every way as far as eligibility goes.
Entry requirements for both the August and March Comprehensive Extended intakes are:
1) Senior Middle Two results of 80% or above in relevant subjects.
2) IELTS of 5.5 overall with no individual band requirement.
In other words, it is only available to students who have withdrawn from high school after Senior Middle Two.
Students who have completed, or are currently studying Senior Middle Three are not eligible for either the August or March Comprehensive Extended intakes.
We have received several applications for March Comprehensive Extended from students currently undertaking Senior Middle Three studies. These students are not eligible for the March intake. The applications cannot be processed and will be deleted. Those students will be eligible instead to re-apply for a Main or Fast Track intake, based on their semester 1, Senior Middle Three results.
We are aware that some offers have been incorrectly sent out to Senior Middle Three students - please check your files for any such cases as they will be withdrawn. We will be cancelling offers made to students who are not eligible for the intake.
Kind regards,


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