


2017/03/02 09:18:36 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1489 移动端



排名 学校名称 地区
1 悉尼文法学校
Sydney Grammar School
City and Eastern Suburbs
2 悉尼英格兰教会女子文法学校学校(达林赫斯特)
SCEGGS Darlinghurst
City and Eastern Suburbs
3 阿伯茨利女子学校
Abbotsleigh School for Girls
Northern Suburbs
4 阿舍姆学校
Ascham School
City and Eastern Suburbs
5 坎巴拉学校
City and Eastern Suburbs
6 马利克法赫德伊斯兰学校
Malek Fahd Islamic School
6 莫利亚学院
Moriah College
City and Eastern Suburbs
8 平布尔女子学院
Pymble Ladies' College
Northern Suburbs
9 洛雷托柯里比利学校
Loreto Kirribilli
Northern Suburbs
10 雷文斯伍德女子学校
Ravenswood School for Girls
Northern Suburbs
11 马沙达学院
Masada College
Northern Suburbs
12 温烙那中学
Wenona School
Northern Suburbs
13 罗斯维尔学院
Roseville College
Northern Suburbs
14 洛雷托诺曼赫斯特学校
Loreto Normanhurst
14 圣阿罗伊斯中学
St Aloysius College
Northern Suburbs
16 昆伍德女子学校
Queenwood School for Girls
Northern Beaches


17 诸圣中学(巴瑟斯特)
All Saints' College Bathurst
Bathurst Region
18 诺克斯文法学校
Knox Grammar School
Northern Suburbs
19 圣沙比纳学院
Santa Sabina College
20 悉尼长老会女子学院
Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney
Inner Western Suburbs
21 雷登豪斯学校(邦迪校区)
Reddam House (Bondi Campus)
City and Eastern Suburbs
22 弗伦斯舍姆学校
Frensham School
23 克瑞布鲁克中学
Cranbrook School
City and Eastern Suburbs
24 悉尼英格兰教会文法学校
SHORE - Sydney Church of England Grammar School
Northern Suburbs
25 圣凯瑟琳学校
St Catherine's School
City and Eastern Suburbs
26 MLC学校(伯伍德)
MLC Burwood
26 圣马可科普特东正教学院 St Mark's Coptic Orthodox College Inner Western Suburbs
28 布吉丹学院(圣艾夫斯)
Brigidine College St Ives
Northern Suburbs
29 拜伦角鲁道夫斯坦纳学校
Cape Byron Rudolf Steiner School
NSW North Coast
29 圣伊格内修斯学院
St Ignatius' College
Northern Suburbs
31 巴克学院 Barker College Hornsby
32 梅里登学校 Meriden School Strathfield-Auburn
33 国际文法学校
International Grammar School
Inner Western Suburbs


34 堪培拉文法学校
Canberra Grammar School
34 丹尼邦克圣公会女子学校 Danebank - An Anglican School For Girls St George
36 圣卢克文法学校
St Luke's Grammar School
Northern Beaches
36 塔拉圣公会女子中学
Tara Anglican School for Girls
38 纽卡斯尔文法学校
Newcastle Grammar School
39 因那布拉学校 Inaburra School Sutherland-Cronulla
40 太平洋山基督教学校
Pacific Hills Christian School
41 帕拉马塔马里斯特中学
Parramatta Marist High School
42 三一圣公会学院(奥尔伯里) Trinity Anglican College - Albury Albury Region
43 蒙桑特安杰洛慈悲学院
Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College
Northern Suburbs
44 苏格兰人学院 The Scots College City and Eastern Suburbs
45 伊拉瓦拉基督教学校
Illawarra Christian School
46 金科博尔玫瑰湾圣心学校 Kincoppal - Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart City and Eastern Suburbs
46 圣本尼迪克特山学院
Mount St Benedict College
46 国王学校 The King's School Parramatta
49 圣帕特里克圣母学院
St Patrick's Marist College
50 圣厄休拉学院
St Ursula's College
St George
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