


2016/11/07 11:24:37 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:923 移动端
澳大利亚新南威尔士大学最近对信息技术硕士课程(8543)的申请条件做出部分调整。 针对申请2017年第二学期或之后入读该课程的学生,分数要求将从等同于新南威尔士大学成绩的65%提升至70%(针对中国大部分高校,满分100分、及格60分的记分标准,相应要求为至少76%或相当水平)。不区分985、211和非211大学,中国所有大学的申请者都需要满足这一新的分数要求。 申请条件变更将从2016年11月14日起实施,所有已经发放的录取通知书将不受此变更的影响,包括在此日期之后提出的延期入读要求。 信息技术硕士课程是可以进行职业资格认证的课程,对学生有较高的学术要求。未能达到要求直接入读信息技术硕士课程的学生,仍然可以先申请信息技术毕业生文凭课程(5543)。 符合信息技术毕业生文凭课程(5543)申请条件的同学可以注册入读。而且,在没有不及格记录,并顺利完成课程的情况下,则有机会继续攻读信息技术研究生课程,之前毕业生文凭课程的所有学分可转移至研究生课程,因而整体学习期限不会延长。 英文版通知内容如下: Changes to the Master of Information Technology admission requirements The admission requirement for students applying to the Master of Information Technology (MIT) will increase from 65% to 70% (or equivalent, as determined by the UNSW PGCW Entry Score Calculator) for students applying for S2 2017 or later. This new requirement will be the same across all Chinese universities. Assessment changes will start 14 November 2016. All existing offers will be honoured, including deferments requested after this date. This is a professionally accredited masters level program, with high academic demands on our students. The Graduate Diploma of Information Technology is still available as an alternative pathway to students who are not successful in direct admission to the MIT (8543). Eligible students may enrol in the Graduate Diploma (5543) program, with the opportunity of transferring on successful completion of the program with full credit granted and no increase in the total duration of study, provided there are no fail grades recorded.
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