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2016/07/26 14:03:08 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1767 移动端
International Business/commercial Law(国际商法)
International Trade Law(国际贸易法)
International Law(国际法)
Maritime Law(海事法)
Intellectual Property Law(知识产权法)
Criminal Justice(刑事审判)
专业背景不同:LLM 一般必须有专业相关的背景才能申请
              MSc 则是法律与某一个别的课程的相交叉的课程,如伦敦政经的MSc Law and Accounting、雷丁大学的MSc Law and Economics
1 牛津大学(Oxford) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 87 1.4 604 88 100
2 剑桥大学(Cambridge) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 n/a 1.1 582 88 97.5
3 伦敦政治经济学院(LSE) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 82 1.7 551 87 97.4
4 伦敦大学学院(UCL) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 83 1.5 534 89 95.7
5 诺丁汉大学(Nottingham) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 88 1.3 509 77 93.7
6 杜伦大学(Durham) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 83 1.3 543 81 93
7 爱丁堡大学(Edinburgh) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 79 1.2 508 86 89.6
8 伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(Queen's Mary) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 88 1 469 72 88.6
9 雷丁大学(Reading ) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 83 1 430 86 88.4
10 格拉斯哥大学(Glasgow) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 79 0.9 517 87 88.3
11 阿伯丁大学(Aberdeen) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 86 0.5 460 88 86.9
12 斯特拉思克莱德大学(Strathclyde) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 74 1 491 89 86.2
13 伦敦大学国王学院(King’s College) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 78 0.8 520 80 85.5
13 纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 91 0.4 441 73 85.5
15 华威大学(Warwick) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 82 0.7 498 78 85.3
16 伯明翰大学(Birmingham) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 78 0.9 476 79 84.8
16 兰卡斯特大学(Lancaster) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 83 0.6 442 85 84.8
18 卡迪夫大学(Cardiff) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 80 1.1 448 71 84.3
19 布里斯托大学(Bristol) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 76 0.9 495 80 84
20 苏塞克斯大学(Sussex) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 85 0.7 397 79 83.9
21 南安普顿大学(Southampton) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 81 0.6 466 79 83.7
22 埃克塞特大学(Exeter) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 79 0.7 467 81 83.6
23 邓迪大学(Dundee) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 88 0.6 429 68 83.4
24 肯特大学(Kent) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 80 1.3 373 70 82.7
24 利兹大学(Leeds) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 81 0.9 430 71 82.7
26 莱斯特大学(Leicester) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 85 0.5 407 77 82.6
27 贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen's Belfast) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 77 1.1 435 71 82.3
28 伦敦大学亚非学院(SOAS) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 77 0.6 418 79 79.5
29 曼彻斯特大学(Manchester) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 71 0.7 452 80 79
30 谢菲尔德大学(Sheffield) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 74 0.8 445 71 78.9
31 赫尔大学(Hull) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 80 0.6 371 75 78.7
32 东英格利亚大学(East Anglia) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 77 0.5 423 75 78.4
33 牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 80 0.7 358 71 77.7
34 布鲁内耳大学(Brunel) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 77 0.6 366 77 77.5
35 斯特林大学(Stirling) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 78 0.5 392 70 76.7
36 白金汉大学(Buckingham) 详细 照片 - 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 89 n/a 250 81 76.5
37 利物浦大学(Liverpool) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 69 0.8 440 73 76.2
38 龙比亚大学(Napier) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 83 0.1 330 80 76
39 斯旺西大学(Swansea) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 79 0.6 348 70 75.8
40 赫特福德郡大学(Hertfordshire) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 83 0.5 315 65 75.2
40 基尔大学(Keele) 详细 照片 评论 在线答疑 免费评估 DIY帮助 78 0.7 348 64 75.2
Entry requirements
A minimum of a UK Bachelor's degree in Law, awarded with first-class Honours (or good upper second-class Honours with evidence of first-class ability), or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard.

Graduates whose first degree is not in Law will be considered for admission if they have an upper second-class UK Bachelor's degree, or overseas equivalent, and at least a good Merit pass in the Common Professional Examination (Graduate Diploma in Law) recognised by the UK professional bodies.
IELTS: Overall grade of 7.5 with a minimum of 6.5 in is each of the subtests

TOEFL: Score of 109, plus 24/30 in the reading and writing subtests and 23/30 in the listening and speaking subtests. The UCL TOEFL Code is 9163.

Pearson Test of English (PTE): 75 overall, with a minimum of 62 in each component.

Overseas 2013/14:£17,750 (FT)
2  LSE 
M3U1 Master of Laws (LLM) Open   Open
MN34 MSc Law and Accounting Open   Open
ML36 MSc Law, Anthropology and Society
 Master of Laws (LLM)
Intake/applications in 2011:249/1,647
Minimum entry requirement: An undergraduate degree in law (LLB or equivalent)
English requirement: Law score (see entry requirements|)
7.5 overall in IELTS (at least 7.0 in listening and writing and 6.0 in reading and speaking) or 109 in the internet-based TOEFL (at least 24 in listening, 25 in writing and 20 in the other elements)
GRE/GMAT requirement: None
Fee level: UK/EU £12,624; overseas £18,432
MN34 MSc Law and Accounting
Intake/applications in 2011: 30/258
Minimum entry requirement: 2:1 in law, accounting, management, business or economics (see entry requirements|)
English requirement: Law score (see entry requirements|)
7.5 overall in IELTS (at least 7.0 in listening and writing and 6.0 in reading and speaking) or 109 in the internet-based TOEFL (at least 24 in listening, 25 in writing and 20 in the other elements)
GRE/GMAT requirement: None
Fee level: £18,432
ML36 MSc Law, Anthropology and Society
Intake/applications in 2011: 18/87
Minimum entry requirement: 2:1 in law, anthropology or related discipline with an interest in studying selected aspects of law and legal theory (see entry requirements|)
English requirement: Standard (see entry requirements|)
 Standard: 6.5 in IELTS (at least 6.0 in each section) or 100 in the internet-based TOEFL (at least 21 in writing, and 20 in the other three elements)
GRE/GMAT requirement: None
Fee level: UK/EU £11,112; overseas £17,184
Master of Laws
M1K116 Master of Laws(LLM)
M1K316 International Trade and Commercial Law(LLM)
International Trade and Commercial Law(LLM)
Subjects required, level and grade
A good 2:1 degree (or its equivalent) in law, or in a degree in which law is a major component.
English Language requirements
IELTS of 7.0 or higher on the IELTS test (preferred test system). 110 or higher, TWE 5.0, on the internet-based TOEFL test.
              7.0 or higher on every component of the IELTS test (preferred test system)
Fees and Funding
Fees have not been set for this academic year.
Master of Laws(LLM)
Subjects required, level and grade
A good 2:1 degree (or its equivalent) in law, or in a degree in which law is a major component.
English Language requirements
IELTS of 7.0 or higher on the IELTS test (preferred test system). 110 or higher, TWE 5.0, on the internet-based TOEFL test.
              7.0 or higher on every component of the IELTS test (preferred test system)
Fees and Funding
Fees have not been set for this academic year.  以往费用  17712  12-13
LLM in Law
The University of Bristol Law School offers eight taught LLM degrees:
·         Commercial Law (国际生)
·         European Legal Studies
·         General Legal Studies
·         Human Rights Law
·         International Law
·         Labour Law and Corporate Governance
·         Law and Globalisation
·         Public Law
IELTS score:7.0 with a minimum score of 6.5 in the reading and writing bands, and at least 5.5 in all other bands
 2013/14 fees
Commercial Law:
Full-time: UK/EU £7,950;
overseas £14,000
Part-time: UK/EU £3,475;
overseas n/a
All other pathways:
Full-time: UK/EU £6,950;
overseas £14,000
Part-time: UK/EU £3,475;
overseas n/a
Fees are quoted per annum and are subject to annual increase.
  MA in Law
IELTS score: 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in both the reading and writing bands and at least 5.5 in all other bands
 Entry requirements
An upper second-class degree or equivalent qualification.
 2013/14 fees
Full-time: UK/EU £7,450;
overseas £14,000
Fees are quoted per annum and are subject to annual increase.
LLM European Law
LLM International Commercial Law
LLM International and Comparative Public Law
LLM International Human Rights Law
LLM Master of Laws
MRes Socio-Legal Research
LLM International Commercial Law
Entry requirements
You will be expected to have obtained a Law degree of at least a 2:1 Honours or equivalent, and have a sound understanding of the basic principles of public and private law. We are happy to consider students with qualifications or degrees other than in Law, eg. Social Sciences, Humanities, Accountancy or Business Studies, if such qualifications include a substantial legal element, or if you can demonstrate substantial relevant legal experience. Non-law students will be required to take a 15-credit law introductory module.
English language requirements
IELTS overall score of 6.5, with no less than 6.0 in any section.
TOEFL IBT overall score of 92, with no less than 22 in any section
Fees for academic year 2013/14
  Full-time Part-time
UK/EU £6,500 £3,250
International £14,500 n/a
LLM Master of Laws
Entry requirements
A Law degree of at least a 2:1 Honours or equivalent, and a sound understanding of the basic principles of public and private law. We are happy to consider students with qualifications or degrees other than in Law, eg, Accountancy or Business Studies, if qualifications include a substantial legal element, or if you can demonstrate substantial relevant legal experience.
English language requirements
IELTS overall score of 6.5, with no less than 6.0 in any section.
TOEFL IBT overall score of 92, with no less than 22 in any section.
Fees for academic year 2013/14
  Full-time Part-time
UK/EU £6,500 £3,250
International £14,500 n/a
Taught LLM, MA Degrees & Diploma
LLM Bioethics and Medical Law
LLM/MA in Diplomacy and International Law
LLM/MA in Environment and Law
LLM/MA in Human Rights and the Environment
LLM International Business & Corporate Law (October programme)
LLM International Business & Corporate Law (January programme)
LLM in International Human Rights Law
LLM International Human Rights and Terrorism Law
LLM in International Law
LLM/MA International Law & International Relations
Postgraduate Diploma in Law
 LLM in International Business & Corporate Law
Entry Requirements:A good second class honours degree, in an appropriate discipline
IELTS: 6.5 or equivalent
LLM in International Law
Entry Requirements:A good second class honours degree, in an appropriate discipline
IELTS: 6.5 or equivalent
说明: D:\Tencent\75353491\Image\Image1\J96C3ZB5N2M74}GEX1QNMQB.jpg
7  york
Ideally you will possess a good first degree (typically a 2:1 or equivalent) and preferably this will be in Law or a law-related subject. 
Postgraduate tuition fees for 2013/14 entry are currently being considered by the University of York
Overseas Lower Rate (Classroom-based)  £12,720
IELTS  TOEFL (iBT)  Pearson (PTE)  
6.5, with a minimum of 6.5 in Writing and 6.0 in all other components 87, with a minimum of 23 in Writing and a minimum of 21 in all other components 61, with a minimum of 61 in Writing and a minimum of 55 in all other components   
8  Edinburgh
Taught programmes
§                                 American History
§                                 Commercial Law
§                                 Comparative and European Private Law
§                                 Competition Law and Innovation
§                                 Corporate Law
§                                 Criminal Law
§                                 Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
§                                 Criminology & Criminal Justice
§                                 Economic and Social History
§                                 European Law
§                                 Global Crime, Justice and Security
§                                 Global Environment and Climate Change Law
§                                 Information Technology Law (Online Distance Learning)
§                                 Innovation, Technology & the Law
§                                 Innovation, Technology & the Law (Online Distance Learning)
§                                 Intellectual Property Law
§                                 Intellectual Property Law (Online Distance Learning)
§                                 International Economic Law
§                                 International Law
§                                 Law
§                                 Law (Online Distance Learning)
§                                 Law (PG Professional Development)
§                                 Law PgCert (Online Distance Learning)
§                                 Law and Chinese
§                                 Medical Law and Ethics (Online Distance Learning)
§                                 Professional Legal Practice (Diploma)
§                                 International Economic Law
  • http://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/postgraduate/degrees?id=686&cw_xml=details.php
  • Entry requirements
  • A UK 2:1 honours degree or its international equivalent
§                                 International Law
Entry requirements
A UK 2:1 honours degree in law or its equivalent if outside the UK. English language standard: 7.00 IELTS or equivalent.
This programme is also open to non-lawyers, but some previous knowledge of the subject, or of international relations, or politics, is normally required.
Schoolof Law IELTS total 7.0 (at least 6.5 in each module) TOEFL-iBT: Total 100 (at least 23 in each module)
Pearson Test of English: Total 67 (at least 61 in each of the "Communicative Skills" sections
International Economic Law (LLM) (Full-time) £8,450 £14,400 £0
International Law (LLM) (Full-time) £8,450 £14,400 £0
International Law and Chinese (LLM) £7,100 £14,400 £0
Collegeof Social Science
  • Schoolof Law, MML
IELTS (Academic) 7.5; no sub-test less than 7.0

  • International Commercial Law [LLM]
  • http://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/internationalcommerciallaw/#tabs=1
  • Entry requirements for International Commercial Law are a good first degree in law (2:1 upwards or equivalent) or a first degree (2:1 upwards or equivalent) with at least 50% of the credits in law.
  • International Competition Law & Policy [LLM]
  • http://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/internationalcompetitionlawpolicy/#tabs=0
  • Entry requirements for International Competition Law & Policy are a good first degree in law (2:1 upwards or equivalent) or a first degree (2:1 upwards or equivalent) with at least 50% of the credits in law.
  • International Law [LLM]
  • http://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/internationallaw/#tabs=1
  • Entry requirements for International Law are a good first degree in law (2:1 upwards or equivalent) or a first degree (2:1 upwards or equivalent) with at least 50% of the credits in law.
  • International Law & Security [LLM]
  • http://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/internationallawandsecurity/#tabs=1
A good first degree in law (2.1 upwards or equivalent) or a first degree (2.1 upwards or equivalent) with at least 50% of the credits in law. We also consider applications from politics, international relations, European studies or war studies graduates
  • Law [LLM]
  • http://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/law/#tabs=1
  • Entry requirements for Law are a good first degree in law (2:1 upwards or equivalent) or a first degree (2:1 upwards or equivalent) with at least 50% of the credits in law.
Entry requirements
A limited number of places are available. Places are only offered to those students at the highest academic level.
Candidates should normally have a first or good second class honours degree in law or an equivalent degree where law is a substantial element or an equivalent degree in an appropriate discipline. Relevant professional experience post-graduation is given due credit in considering entry requirements.
2012/2013 - Home/EU: £4,795 International: £12,780
2013/2014 - Home/EU: £5,010 International: £12,820


A first- or upper second-class undergraduate honours degree in law or a relevant subject, but applicants from other backgrounds may be considered.

English language requirements

IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing and 6.0 in the other sections. Internet TOEFL with 88 overall, with at least 20 in Listening, 20 in Reading, 22 in Speaking and 24 in Writing.


'Home' UK/EU students: £5,5001
Overseas students: £16,2002
1The fee shown is for the academic year 2013.
2 The fee shown is for the academic year 2013.
A first- or upper second-class undergraduate honours degree in law or a relevant subject, but applicants from other backgrounds may be considered

English language requirements

IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing and 6.0 in the other sections. Internet TOEFL with 88 overall, with at least 20 in Listening, 20 in Reading, 22 in Speaking and 24 in Writing.


'Home' UK/EU students: £5,5001
Channel Island and Isle of Man students: £5,5002
Overseas students: £16,2003
1The fee shown is for the academic year 2013.
A first- or upper second-class undergraduate honours degree in law or a relevant subject, but applicants from other backgrounds may be considered.

English language requirements

IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing and 6.0 in the other sections. Internet TOEFL with 88 overall, with at least 20 in Listening, 20 in Reading, 22 in Speaking and 24 in Writing.


'Home' UK/EU students: £5,5001
Channel Island and Isle of Man students: £5,5002
Overseas students: £16,2003
1The fee shown is for the academic year 2013.
A first- or upper second-class undergraduate honours degree in law or a relevant subject, but applicants from other backgrounds may be considered.

English language requirements

IELTS 6.5, with not less than 6.5 in Writing and 6.0 in the other sections. Internet TOEFL with 88 overall, with at least 20 in Listening, 20 in Reading, 22 in Speaking and 24 in Writing.


'Home' UK/EU students: £5,5001
Channel Island and Isle of Man students: £5,5002
Overseas students: £16,2003
1The fee shown is for the academic year 2013.
·                       LLM Corporate and Commercial Law (1 year)
·                       LLM European and Comparative Property Law (1 year)
·                       LLM European Law (1 year)
·                       LLM General (1 year)
·                       LLM Information Technology and Commerce (1 year)
·                       LLM Information Technology and Telecommunications Law (Full Time - 1 Year)
·                       LLM Information Technology and Telecommunications Law (Part Time - 2 Years)
·                       LLM International Business Law (1 year)
·                       LLM International Law (1 year)
·                       LLM Maritime Law (1 year)
The entry requirements for LLM Programme are normally an Upper Second Class Bachelors Degree in Law or the international equivalent, but account may also be taken of practical experience within the relevant field of study.

English Language Requirements (where applicable)

IELTS 7.0 with at least 6.5 Reading and Writing or
TOEFL 617 (paper-based) or
TOEFL 105 (internet based). 
A score of IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 580/92 together with satisfactory completion of the six week LLM Pre-sessional programme on English legal language and skills will be accepted.

Tuition fees 11/12

Postgraduate Tuition Fees
• UK/EU £5,400 Part-time £2,700 (fees for 2012/2013)
• International £11,440 (fees for 2011/2012); and £12,500 (fees for 2012/20013)

Postgraduate Research Tuition Fees
• UK/EU £2,828 Part-time £1,914(fees for 2012/2013)
• International£11,440 (fees for 2011/2012); and £12,500 (fees for 2012/2013)

Tuition Fees 12/13
From 2012, the UK government has introduced new funding arrangements for higher education and our fees structure will change. These changes will affect students from the UK and European Union only. They will not affect International students from outside the EU.
Criminal Justice LLM
Environmental Law LLM
European Law LLM
Human Rights Law LLM
International Commercial Law LLM
International Criminal Justice and Armed Conflict LLM
International Law and Development LLM
International Law LLM
International Law, Security and Terrorism MA
Law and Environmental Science MSc
Maritime Law LLM
Master of Laws LLM
Public International Law LLM
Public Procurement Law and Policy LLM
Public Procurement Law and Policy PGCert
Public Procurement Law and Policy PGDip
Socio-legal and Criminological Research MA
International Commercial Law LLM
Entry requirements:2.1 (Upper 2nd class hons degree or international equivalent)
Including:Law degree
Excluding:Any other subjects
IELTS:7.0 (with no less than 7.0 in writing, 6.5 in reading and 6.0 in speaking and listening)
TOEFL IBT:100 with no less than 21 in listening, 22 in reading, 23 in speaking and 21 in writing
International Law LLM
Entry requirements:2.1 (Upper 2nd class hons degree or international equivalent)
Including:Law/Humanities/ Social Sciences subjects
Excluding:Sciences / Mathematics
IELTS:7.0 (with no less than 7.0 in writing, 6.5 in reading and 6.0 in speaking and listening)
TOEFL IBT:100 with no less than 21 in listening, 22 in reading, 23 in speaking and 21 in writing
Maritime Law LLM
Entry requirements:2.1 (Upper 2nd class hons degree or international equivalent)
Including:Law degree
Excluding:Any other subjects
IELTS:7.0 (with no less than 7.0 in writing, 6.5 in reading and 6.0 in speaking and listening)
TOEFL IBT:100 with no less than 21 in listening, 22 in reading, 23 in speaking and 21 in writing
Master of Laws LLM
Entry requirements:2.1(Upper 2nd class hons degree or international equivalent)
Including:Law/Humanities/ Social Sciences subjects
Excluding:Sciences / Mathematics
IELTS:7.0 overall with at least 7.0 for writing, 6.5 for reading, 6.0 for speaking and 6.0 for listening.
TOEFL IBT:100 with no less than 21 in listening, 22 in reading, 23 in speaking and 21 in writing
M135 LLM International Commercial Law £5,230 £12,830 Y
M131 LLM International Law £5,230 £12,830 Y
M207 LLM Maritime Law £5,230 £12,830 Y
M108 LLM Master of Laws £5,230 £12,830 Y
Biotechnology Law and Ethics - LLM
Commercial Law - LLM
European Health Law and Policy - LLM (School of Law website)
European Law, Politics and Governance - MA
International and European Law - LLM
International Commercial Law and Practice - LLM (School of Law website)
International Criminology - MA
International Law - LLM
Law - Graduate Diploma
Law - MA
Legal Practice Course (Diploma)
Legal Practice - MA
Global Politics and Law - MA
International Commercial Law and Practice – LL
1 year full-time
Entry Requirements:A good Upper-Second class degree (or the international equivalent) in Law. If your degree is not law, then it should have a large law component. If your first language is not English, we require a qualification in English, currently IELTS 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each component.
International Law - LLM
1 year full-time

Entry requirements

Minimum 2:1 honours degree, or international equivalent, usually in law or a subject with a large legal component (except LLM European Health Law and Policy and LLM Biotechnology Law and Ethics, see the website for further details), although we’ll consider your application if you have other qualifications.

English language requirements for overseas students

Overall IELTS grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.0 in each component, or equivalent.
Law - MA
2 years full-time/3 years part-time

Entry requirements

Minimum 2:1 honours degree or international equivalent, in any subject, but we’ll consider each application on its own merits.

English language requirements for overseas students

Overall IELTS grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.0 in each component, or equivalent.
Law LAWT117 MA Law 2012 2012 MA FT Overseas 11530.00
Law LAWT74 LLM International Commercial Law and Practice 2012 2012 LLM FT Overseas 12160.00
15 kcl 
Postgraduate taught programmes
# Programme title Qualification Study mode
1 Bioethics & Society MA Full Time
2 Competition Law LLM Part Time, Full Time
3 Construction Law & Dispute Resolution MSc Part Time, Full Time
4 Economics for Competition Law MA, PG Dip Distance Learning
5 EU Competition Law MA, PG Dip Distance Learning
6 European Law LLM Part Time, Full Time
7 European Union Law MA, PG Dip Distance Learning
8 Global Ethics & Human Values MA Full Time
9 Intellectual Property & Information Law LLM Part Time, Full Time
10 International Business Law LLM Part Time, Full Time
11 International Financial Law LLM Part Time, Full Time
12 International Tax LLM Part Time, Full Time
13 Master of Laws LLM Part Time, Full Time
14 Medical Ethics & Law MA Part Time, Full Time
15 Medical Law MA Part Time, Full Time
16 Tax Law (Please note this programme is no longer running) MA Full Time
17 UK, EU & US Copyright Law MA, PG Dip Distance Learning
Law, Management, Gerontology, Nursing & Midwifery leading to registration  7.0 overall; minimum 7.0 in all four skills
International Business Law
General entry advice
The basic requirement for admission to the LLM programme is a recognised first degree in law (or a degree with at least 70% law content) of at least high upper second class honours standard or an equivalent overseas qualification. Exceptionally, you may be considered where a comparable academic level has been achieved through other graduate studies and where work or experience has made you a suitable candidate for the LLM
Closing date
31 March 2013 (FT and PT). Only complete applications will be considered after this date.
Overall LLM intake 360 (FT and PT).
FT Home/EU: £12000 (2012)
FT Overseas: £17500 (2012)
International Financial Law
General entry advice
The basic requirement for admission to the LLM programme is a recognised first degree in law (or a degree with at least 70% law content) of at least high upper second class honours standard or an equivalent overseas qualification. Exceptionally, you may be considered where a comparable academic level has been achieved through other graduate studies and where work or experience has made you a suitable candidate for the LLM.
Closing date
31 March 2013 (FT and PT). Only complete applications will be considered after this date.
Overall LLM intake 360 (FT and PT).
FT Home/EU: £12000 (2012)
FT Overseas: £17500 (2012)
International Tax
General entry advice
The basic requirement for admission to the LLM programme is a recognised first degree in law (or a degree with at least 70% law content) of at least high upper second class honours standard or an equivalent overseas qualification. Exceptionally, you may be considered where a comparable academic level has been achieved through other graduate studies and where work or experience has made you a suitable candidate for the LLM.
Closing date
31 March 2013 (FT and PT). Only complete applications will be considered after this date.
Overall LLM intake 360 (FT and PT).
FT Home/EU: £12000 (2012)
FT Overseas: £17500 (2012)
Master of Laws
General entry advice
The basic requirement for admission to the LLM programme is a recognised first degree in law (or a degree with at least 70% law content) of at least high upper second class honours standard or an equivalent overseas qualification. Exceptionally, you may be considered where a comparable academic level has been achieved through other graduate studies and where work or experience has made you a suitable candidate for the LLM.
Closing date
31 March 2013 (FT and PT). Only complete applications will be considered after this date.
Approximately 360 (FT and PT).
FT Home/EU: £12000 (2012)
FT Overseas: £17500 (2012)
·          Environmental Law and Policy (Research) LLM
·          Environmental Regulation and Sustainable Development LLM
·          Finance and Financial Regulation MSc
·          Finance and Law with Islamic Finance MSc
·          International Business Law LLM
·          International Legal Studies LLM
·          Law LLM (by research); MPhil; PhD
·          Research Training PGCert
·          International Business Law LLM
Normally an upper second-class Honours degree, or an international equivalent, in law or a wide range of subject areas including: business, finance, politics, environmental science and geography.  We will, however, consider individual cases with a lower second-class Honours degree on their merit.
Applicants whose first language is not English and who have not undertaken any programme of study recently which was taught in English require IELTS 6.5 overall with a minimum of 6.5 in English writing, TOEFL 90 (Internet-based), or equivalent.
In some instances it may be possible to offer a place to an applicant with an IELTS score of 6.5 overall (but at least 6.0 in writing) or equivalent, subject to satisfactory completion of a 10-week pre-sessional English language course available at INTO Newcastle University.


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