


2016/06/08 15:37:19 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:2231 移动端

商科专业,如Accounting,Finance,Marketing,MBA,近几年面试越来越多。尤其是经历了2016秋季申请季的学生,感触应该更深。许多美国院校,如Boston University 的Mathematical finance 专业,Brandeis的Finance专业,JHU的Finance、Marketing专业等,都要求录制一个Video。商科申请,不光语言成绩分数要求比较高,面试也越来越多。下面给大家分享一些面试常问的问题:

  1. Short term long term goal.
  2. Why XX University?
  3. Why XX Major?
  4. Give me a 2 minute presentation to talk about yourself, why you want to do MSA/Finance/Marketing, why you choose Freeman/Stern?
  5. Leadership example
  6. Internship experience
  7. What’s one of your biggest accomplishments?
  8. What would you do at BC besides study to broad your resume and make contribution to BC
  9. One recent news and influence on business
  10. What is your most valuable internship experience?
  11.  Example that you think from another point of view to solve a conflict
  12. Describe a project, the difficulties, the results.
  13. How do your friends describe you.
  14. What you do not do well and how do you improve.
  15. desigh a product, make a short business plan for it. Tell me how will you open the market of this product and how will you use technology.
  16. What are your biggest weaknesses?
  17. What are your biggest strengths?
  18. Discuss a time when you successfully supervised a diverse group of people toward a difficult goal.
  19. Give an example of when you accomplished something significant that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been there.



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