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2016/05/12 14:48:56 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1740 移动端
1.       Manchester曼切斯特大学
Business Administration MBA  18 months full-time 
需要至少三年的工作经验,需要提供GMAT/GRE的成绩,如果申请的时候没有这些成绩,必须在申请表上写考试的时间。Normally an honours degree, or the equivalent, from any academic background plus a minimum of three years' postgraduate work experience with strong career progression. If you do not have a first degree, you may be eligible if you have significant work experience.
We use a combination of indicators to assess your English level including: English Language test, GMAT verbal and analytical writing assessment score and your interview.
雅思要求:IELTS: Overall 6.5; with 6.0 in listening, writing, reading and speaking without exception
2.Sheffield 谢菲尔德大学
Minimum 2:1 and at least three years’ relevant full-time work experience. If you don’t have a degree, we may accept an approved professional qualification.
Overall IELTS 7.0 with 6.0 in each component
3.Exeter 艾克赛特大学
Admission to the MBA programme is usually dependent upon a good first degree and a minimum of three years' managerial experience. Many applicants find that they possess extensive work experience, eg, eight years or more, or have attained a professional qualification but not completed formal degrees. Non-academic achievements are taken into consideration, therefore applicants with one or more of the following skills and experience are welcome and encouraged to submit an application:
Mature managers with extensive work experience.
Extensive experience of technical or specialist work.
Professionals planning career changes or returning to employment after a break from work.
Professionals seeking to develop skills for broader management roles.
4.Liverpool 利物浦大学
The University of Liverpool Management School is one of an elite group of institutions worldwide to be AACSB-Accredited.
Students will normally be expected to hold a 2:1 Honours degree (which may be in any discipline) from a UK university, or an equivalent professional qualification from a similar non-UK institution. Non-graduates with very extensive professional experience and/or other prior qualifications may be considered. Candidates should normally be expected to have 2 – 3 years substantive work experience.  All candidates must meet our required level of English.
雅思6.5 单项不低于6.0
Master of Business Administration (MBA)  International: £20,870
雅思要求IELTS 6.5,需要至少三年以上工作经验In addition to the above, you must have at least three years’ relevant work experience. Relevant work experience normally means that you will have been working in a supervisory, managerial or professional role(s) for a period of at least three years.
This degree is accredited by AMBA.
MBA Master of Business Administration   1月开课  12个月  学费:£17,950
至少三年以上工作经验  First class or second-class honours degree or international equivalent
AMBA-accreditation, placing the course in the top 1% of MBAs globally认证
雅思要求:IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum score of 6.0 in all components: reading, writing, speaking and listening), or;
8.Newcastle 纽卡斯尔大学
Master of Business Administration MBA  
12个月  学费:£16,500
Normally an upper-second-class Honours degree, or international equivalent, with a minimum of three years' full-time management experience.
IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum of 6.0 in each sub-section)
 被Association of MBAs (AMBA)认证,同时商学院也被European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). 认证
MBA Master of Business Administration
A minimum of a second class Honours degree (2.1 preferred) or equivalent,至少两年的工作经验
IELTS score of 6.0 (5.5 in all bands).
·  Master of Business Administration, MBA
·  A first- or second-class honours degree, or a qualification deemed to be equivalent, or passes in three of the MBA courses (one of which must be a core course).
·  A minimum of 2 years' post-qualifying full-time work experience of a relevant nature.
二、       非合作院校部分列举
1.Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学
Business Administration, Master of MBA
MBA Business Administration - 1 Year (Full-time)
MBA Business Administration - 16 Months (Full-time)
IELTS: total 7.0 (at least 6.0 in each module)
需要学生有5年的工作经验Applicants require five years’ continuous work experience in a managerial or supervisory position. Applicants also require a first class or 2:1 honours degree from a recognised university in any subject, or an appropriate professional qualification.
Applicants who do not hold a degree or professional qualification may still be considered if they have a strong employment record demonstrating a high degree of responsibility. We may also require GMAT (minimum 600 score preferred) if further evidence of ability is needed.

Programme structure

The MBA is delivered full-time over a period of either 12 or 16 months, starting in September each year. The programme combines rigorous academic study with practical application. This is achieved both in the classroom through case studies, but also via consultancy-style projects with external organisations to broaden participants’ insights into alternative business models and approaches.
Compulsory courses for both programmes include:
Strategic Leadership
Strategic Marketing
Organising for Effectiveness
Operations Improvement
Understanding Economies
Leadership and Responsibility
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Creative Strategy
A range of specialist options are also available. In parallel with academic study, we deliver a Professional Development programme to help enhance interpersonal and leadership skills. Both programmes culminate in a major Capstone Project.

12-month MBA programme

The 12-month programme is delivered in four parts:
  • September–December: students focus on core business disciplines
  • January–March: students develop integrative and strategic thinking, and choose a number of specialist elective subjects
  • April–June: students' specialisation continues
  • June–August: students undertake a Capstone Project as the final part of the 12-month MBA
Specialist electives include:
  • Strategic Human Resources
  • Negotiations
  • Project Management
  • B2B Marketing
  • New Venture Creation
  • Financial AnalysisP
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Global Strategy
  • Psychology of Investing and Financial Decisions
  • Modelling Business for Strategic Impact
  • Management Consultancy Project
  • Managing Stakeholder Communications
  • Innovation Management and Design Thinking
  • Integrated Reporting and Responsible Investment
Students can also undertake an International Business in Context course, which involves an intensive week in an emerging economy.

16-month MBA programme (International Business)

The 16-month programme is delivered in four parts:
  • September–April: students study the same core disciplines, integrating courses and a number of specialisations
  • April–June: students study abroad at one of 11 partner institutions worldwide, experiencing new cultures and new ways of business
  • June–August: students undertake an internship, which provides a further opportunity to gain valuable international work experience to support career plans
  • September–December: students undertake a Capstone Project as the final part of the 16-month MBA
2.       Durham杜伦大学
Master of Business Administration MBA
·                     At least three years’ continuous post-graduation work experience in positions demonstrating a high degree of responsibility
·                     Upper Second Class Bachelor Degree, or international equivalent
·                     Lack of formal qualifications is not necessarily a barrier to admission; managerial experience is also a key consideration for entry to our Full-time MBA programme. In such cases, we may ask you to submit a portfolio of evidence demonstrating capability in areas such as your management experience, including critical thinking skills and communication skills. Alternatively you may be required to provide a well-balanced GMAT score of a minimum of 600.
IELTS of 7.0 or above in IELTS with no element below 6.0
3.       Birmingham 伯明翰大学
MBA-Guangzhou   此课程是跟广州的JINAN University合作的,学生读完后获得伯明翰大学的学位和JINAN大学的毕业证书
需注意该课程为Part time Duration: 2 - 6 years
MBA 12个月  学费:20790磅
A good Honours degree plus five years post-graduation work experience with evidence of management. We will also consider applicants with a good Honours degree plus three years exceptional work experience with evidence of management. Equivalent professional qualifications will also be considered.
12-month MBA – IELTS 7.0 (with no less than 6.5 in any band); Pearson Academic Test of English 67 (in all four skills).
The work experience requirement for the 21- and 24-month route is three years.
  21-month route – IELTS 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band); TOEFL IBT 88 (21 in Reading, 20 in Listening, 22 in Speaking and 21 in Writing); Pearson Academic Test of English 59 (in all four skills).
  24-month route – IELTS 6.0 (with no less than 5.5 in any band); TOEFL IBT 82 (19 in Reading, 19 in Listening, 21 in Speaking and 19 in Writing); Pearson Academic Test of English 51 (in all four skills).
MBA(Strategy and Procurement Management)战略采购管理Duration:15 months full-time 9月开学
Normally a minimum of an upper second class honours degree or a GPA of 3.0 on a 4-point scale or an equivalent professional qualification (e.g. CIPS Graduate Diploma), and a minimum of three years relevant experience in purchasing and supply management. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this in more detail.
雅思要求: IELTS 7.0 (with no less than 6.5 in any band);
·  Business Administration : MBA    学费:26000磅
Duration:12 months full-time
Entry Requirements: An upper second class honours degree, or equivalent professional qualification. A recent GMAT score of at least 600, balanced across verbal, written and quantitative elements. (Those scoring less than 4.5 on the analytical writing element may be required to complete the Lancaster Admissions Essay). Usually at least three years of work experience since graduation, with preference for significant managerial responsibilities. Two good references, two pre-course essays and a case for studying an MBA are required.
IELTS:7.0 or equivalent (minimum element scores apply).
Interviews:Overseas - telephone option
1.MBA课程重工作经验,MBA 的大部分课程都需3-5年管理的工作经历;目前已知的可以接受无工作经验申请的院校是考文垂和卡迪夫的MBA课程,应届生可以直接申请。
三、       案例分析:
Yin Pengfei  对外经贸大学 无学位 国际经济与贸易专业 均分75% 有5年名企的管理经验,
Exeter MBA    录取,要求面试
Lancaster MBA  录取,要求面试和写一篇论文,无GMAT要求
Glasgow  MBA 被拒
Newcastle  MBA 录取
UEA 被拒
Liverpool  录取
Sheffield 被拒
北京外国语大学自考大专(三年制) 英语专业
首都经贸大学硕士研究生(Part time)HR专业2001-2003  该校提供其三年的毕业证明但并没有学位证
工作背景:2006-2009 中华英才网 (2008年底与MONSTER并购,中国最大的网络招聘供应商)。 三年来一直担任集团副总裁。
2003-2006 用友软件股份公司 (上市公司,亚洲最大的企业管理软件提供商)。历任E-HR事业部售前总监,大客户总监。
2000-2003 博惠思华信息技术有限公司,从售前顾问到华东大区总经理
1996-2000中国大恒集团(上市公司)人力资源部 负责培训业务
Liverpool MBA 录取
Exeter MBA 被拒
Newcastle  MBA录取
Wang zhicheng
中国人民解放军南京政治学院 经济与行政管理 自考本科无学位
2006-2010年 新奥能源控股公司 人力资源部 主管
2010年-2013年盛德基业有限控股公司 总裁助理
Loughborough MBA被拒
Newcastle  MBA录取
申请Cardiff,Master of Business Administration录取
要求均分75% or a GPA at 3.0
IELTS minimum score of 6.5 overall with minimum score of 5.5 in each skills component.
申请Sheffield hallam MBA拒绝,建议换MSc International Business Management or
MSc Global Business Management
申请Coventry MBA拒绝
申请HULL MBA录取,但是要求参加系里面试。


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