

工作压力大怎么办 键盘型沙袋替你发泄压力

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:326 移动端


If you've ever felt frustrated at the office, this could be the answer.

A Berlin firm has created an alternative keyboard - made of punchbags.

To type, users simply hit or kick the key they want.

Created by German firm Bless for the 2nd Istanbul Design Biennial, the firm said it wanted to make typing a 'full body experience'.

Bless is a fashion/design studio created in 1997 by Ines Kaag, based in Berlin, and Desiree Heiss in Paris.

“We find it terribly outdated to have a day split into a working time and a leisure time,” the firm's founders said.

'The Workoutcomputer constitutes a new live/work balance manifesto.

'A computer with a distributed keyboard made of punching bags, the Workoutcomputer ensures that typing becomes a full-body experience.'

Each of the pads contains a sensor linked to a laptop, allowing messages to be written and sent.

参考译文: 如果你在办公室感到沮丧,也许这可以帮助你。




Bless是一间时尚设计工作室,1997年由德国设计师Ines Kaag和法国设计师Desiree Heiss创建于柏林。





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