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SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十三),SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十三) bamboozle v. 欺骗,隐瞒 to deceive by underhanded methods:DUPE, HOODWINK ban n. 禁令 to prohibit especially by legal means ban:protect banal a.陈腐的 lacking originality, freshness, or no
SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(十九),SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(十九) callus n. 皮肤的硬结,胼胝,(植物伤口的)愈合组织 a thickening of or a hard thickened area on skin or bark gully:erosion=callus:friction calorie n. 卡路里 the amount of heat required at a pressu
SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十二),SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十二) avid adj.热切的,贪婪的 characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit reverence:respect=avidity:enthusiasm avidindifferent awash a. 与水面齐平的,被浪冲打的 covered with water:FLOODED aw
SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(18),SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(18) burgeon v. 迅速成长,发展 to grow and expand rapidly:FLOURISH burgeonwither burgeonsubdue burial n.安葬,埋葬,埋藏 the act or process of burying inter:burial=obliterate:removal burles
SSAT类比题反义词总结(四十二),SSAT考试类比题反义词词汇总结 disgruntle vt. 使不高兴 to make ill-humored or discontented ? usually used as a participial adjective disgruntlerefresh disgruntledcontented disguise vi.隐瞒,掩埋 n.假装 to furnish with a fal
SSAT类比题反义词总结(四十三),dissension n. 意见不合,纠纷,倾轧 DISAGREEMENT; especially :partisan and contentious quarreling concorddissension dissent vi. 持异议,不同意 to withhold assent dissenter:orthodox=maverick:group dissertation n. 论文 an ext
SSAT类比题反义词词汇总结(49),ennoble vt. 授予爵位,使高贵 to make noble:ELEVATE ennui n. 倦怠,厌倦 a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction:BOREDOM ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:apathetic ennuienergy/enthusiasm ennuikeen interest ennuiexuberance ens
SSAT类比题反义词单词总结(三十八),deportation n. 驱逐,放逐 the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful or prejudicial deportation:country=eviction:dwelling depose vt. 免职,废,作证 to testify to under oath or by affidavit perjurydeposition
SSAT类比题反义词单词总结(三十九),SSAT类比题反义词单词总结(三十九) despondent adj. 失望的,意气消沉的 feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression elateddespondent sanguinedespondent dessert n.甜点心 a usually sweet course or dish (
法国巴黎第十一大学,全称为Université Paris 11 (Paris-Sud University),是法国著名的高等教育机构之一。在2023年的QS世界大学排名中,该大学位列第69位。这一成绩显示出了巴黎第十一大学在国际上的重要地位和影响力。
SSAT类比题反义词词汇总结(三十三),SSAT类比题反义词词汇总结(三十三) craven adj.懦弱的,畏缩的 lacking the least bit of courage:contemptibly fainthearted craven:admirable=deft:awkward craven:hero=parsimonious:spendthrift craven:heroic=volati
SSAT类比题反义词词汇总结(三十七),SSAT类比题反义词词汇总结(三十七) delude vt. 迷惑,蛊惑 to mislead the mind or judgment of:DECEIVE, TRICK transparentdelusive deluge n.大洪水,豪雨 a. an overflowing of the land by water b. a drenching rain rain:deluge=win
SSAT类比题反义词词汇总结(三十二),SSAT类比题反义词词汇总结(三十二) corroborate vt. 使坚固,确证 to support with evidence or authority:make more certain corroborate:evidence=calumniate:falsehood corroborationlessening of certainty corrosive a. 腐蚀的,腐蚀性的
SSAT类比与反义词速记(五),SSAT类比与反义词速记(五) albino n. 白公,白化病者,白化变种 (or albinism) an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation albino:pigment=prairie:tree alibi n.托辞,借口,辩解 an excuse usually intended to avert blame or punishm
SSAT类比题反义词词汇总结(四十五),draconian adj. 严峻的,苛刻的 CRUEL; also :SEVERE palmy:prosperity=draconian:severity draconianindulgent/mild drawl vt.vi. 懒洋洋地说,做作而慢慢地说 to utter in a slow lengthened tone inch:move=drawl:speak pontificate:pomp
SSAT考试类比题反义词词汇总结(50),epilogue n. 收场白,尾声 a concluding section that rounds out the design of a literary work; the final scene of a play that comments on or summarizes the main action; the concluding section of a musical composition:CODA dessert:meal=
SSAT类比题反义词汇总结(三十),SSAT类比题反义词汇总结(三十) constellation n. 星座,星群 the configuration of stars. constellation:star=chord:note{ queue:person} constitute vt. 构成,组成,任命 to appoint to an office, function, or dignity abdicateconstit
SSAT类比题反义词词汇总结(四十七),elegy n. 哀歌、挽歌? a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead satire:ridicule=elegy:sorrow elegiac:sorrow=devotional:reverence elephantine a. 象的,巨大的,粗笨的 having enormous size or st
SSAT类比题反义词总结(二十一),SSAT类比题反义词总结(二十一) censor vt. 检查,审查,删改 to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable censorship:communication=preservative:decay censorship:information=sanitation:disease vendor:pu