您所在的位置:首页> 留学热词资讯列表> SSAT类比题反义词汇总结(三十).
SSAT考试类比题反义词词汇总结(51),eschew v.避开,戒绝 to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds:SHUN eschewembrace, greet , welcome esoteric adj.秘传的,神秘的 designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone esotericcommon accep
SSAT类比题反义词总结(九),SSAT类比题反义词总结(九) appreciable a. 可感知的,可评估的 capable of being perceived or measured appreciableimperceptible apprehension n. 理解,忧惧,逮捕 suspicion or fear especially of future evil:FOREBODING apprehension:
SSAT类比题反义词总结(十五),SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十五) blazon vt. 以家徽装饰,宣布 to publish widely:PROCLAIM alliterate:remove=blazon:efface blazon:adorn=pillar:support blazonefface bleach vt. 漂白 to remove color or stains from blemish v
SSAT类比与反义词总结(二),SSAT类比与反义词总结(二) accessible a. 易接近的,可进入的,易受影响的,可理解的 capable of being understood or appreciated abstruseaccessible/patent accessory n. 附件 a thing of secondary or subordinate importance:ADJUNCT ac
SSAT类比与反义词总结(四),SSAT类比与反义词总结(四) aerial a. 空中的,航空的,空想的,空气的 of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere aerial:air=aquatic:water aesthetics n. 美学 a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art
SSAT类比与反义词总结(三),SSAT类比与反义词总结(三) adapt vt. 使适应,改编 to make fit (as for a specific or new use or situation) often by modification adaptremain unchanged addicted adj. 痴迷 to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually
2020三十岁后去美国留学,美国留学看重的不是年龄,其实有些人四五十岁还有出国留学的呢,下面给大家介绍下三十岁后去美国留学需要的条件。 三十岁后去美国留学条件 一、学习目的明确。 申请人必须证明已被有资格招收留学生的院校录取。除此之外,申请人还应证明有能力顺利完成学业,并出具一些能证明学习能力和教育
SSAT考试类比题反义词词汇总结(四十四),常见SSAT考试类比题反义词词汇总结 中文注释 diurnal adj. 白昼的,白天的? of, relating to, or occurring in the daytime diurnalnocturnal diverge vi. 分歧,岔开 to move or extend in different directions from a common point:draw apa
SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(二十),SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(二十) carouse vi. 痛饮,畅饮 to drink liquor deeply or freely roisterer:carouse=recluse:withdraw carp vi. 吹毛求疵,挑剔 to find fault or complain querulously caviler:carping=libertine:licentious
SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十三),SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十三) bamboozle v. 欺骗,隐瞒 to deceive by underhanded methods:DUPE, HOODWINK ban n. 禁令 to prohibit especially by legal means ban:protect banal a.陈腐的 lacking originality, freshness, or no
SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(十九),SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(十九) callus n. 皮肤的硬结,胼胝,(植物伤口的)愈合组织 a thickening of or a hard thickened area on skin or bark gully:erosion=callus:friction calorie n. 卡路里 the amount of heat required at a pressu
SSAT类比题反义词总结(二十二),SSAT类比题反义词总结(二十二) !chevron n. 山形袖章,回文状雕饰 a sleeve badge that usually consists of one or more chevron-shaped stripes that indicates the wearer&aposs rank and service (as in the armed forces) chevron:badge=caisson:ca
SSAT类比题反义词总结(二十六),SSAT类比题反义词总结(二十六) concentrate vt.vi. 集中,专心,浓缩 a. to bring or direct toward a common center or objective:FOCUS b. to make less dilute concentratedilute solution deployconcentrate concerted a. 商议好的,协定
SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十二),SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十二) avid adj.热切的,贪婪的 characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit reverence:respect=avidity:enthusiasm avidindifferent awash a. 与水面齐平的,被浪冲打的 covered with water:FLOODED aw
SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(18),SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(18) burgeon v. 迅速成长,发展 to grow and expand rapidly:FLOURISH burgeonwither burgeonsubdue burial n.安葬,埋葬,埋藏 the act or process of burying inter:burial=obliterate:removal burles
SSAT类比题反义词总结(四十二),SSAT考试类比题反义词词汇总结 disgruntle vt. 使不高兴 to make ill-humored or discontented ? usually used as a participial adjective disgruntlerefresh disgruntledcontented disguise vi.隐瞒,掩埋 n.假装 to furnish with a fal
SSAT类比题反义词总结(四十三),dissension n. 意见不合,纠纷,倾轧 DISAGREEMENT; especially :partisan and contentious quarreling concorddissension dissent vi. 持异议,不同意 to withhold assent dissenter:orthodox=maverick:group dissertation n. 论文 an ext
中国学生学英语为的是考试。其实一门语言的习得目的非常明确,那就是沟通。很多生活类词汇其实就像一个小学生学的词汇一样,可我们已经步入中学,大学甚至成年都不会说。今天从我的一本口语词汇书上扒下来一些常用词汇,每天记点,生活表达不用愁。一、房屋外部doghouse 犬屋 lawn mower 割草机 satellite dish 碟形卫星信号接受器 basketball hoop 篮筐 curtain 窗帘 garage 车房,车库 porch 入口处 driveway 车库通向马路的空地 mailbox 信箱 dormer 屋顶窗 skylight 天窗 chimney 烟囱 French win
SSAT类比题反义词总结(二十一),SSAT类比题反义词总结(二十一) censor vt. 检查,审查,删改 to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable censorship:communication=preservative:decay censorship:information=sanitation:disease vendor:pu
SSAT类比题反义词汇总结(三十),SSAT类比题反义词汇总结(三十) constellation n. 星座,星群 the configuration of stars. constellation:star=chord:note{ queue:person} constitute vt. 构成,组成,任命 to appoint to an office, function, or dignity abdicateconstit