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GMAT考试阅读辅导(11), Passage 11 Federal efforts to aid minority businesses began in the 1960s when the Small Business Administration (SBA) began making federally guaranteed loans and government-sponsored management and technical assistance (5) av
GMAT考试阅读辅导(22), Passage 22 How many really suffer as a result of labor market problems? This is one of the most critical yet contentious social policy questions. In many ways, our social statistics exaggerate the degree of hard(5) ship. Unem
GMAT考试阅读辅导(27), Passage 27 Since the late 1970s, in the face of a severe loss of market share in dozens of industries, manufacturers in the United States have been trying to improve productivityand therefore enhance their international(5) co
GMAT考试阅读辅导(41), Passage 41 It was once assumed that all living things could be divided into two fundamental and exhaustive categories. Multicellular plants and animals, as well as many unicellular organisms, are eukaryotictheir large, comple
GMAT考试阅读辅导(44), Passage 44 According to a recent theory, Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems were formed over two billion years ago from magmatic fluids that originated from molten granitelike bodies deep beneath the surface of the Earth. T
GMAT考试阅读辅导(50), Passage 50 Australian researchers have discovered electro receptors(sensory organs designed to respond to electrical fields) clustered at the tip of the spiny anteater&aposs snout. The researchers made this discovery by
GMAT考试阅读辅导(60), Passage 60 Until recently, scientists did not know of a close vertebrate analogue to the extreme form of altruism abserved in eusocial insects like ants and bees, whereby individuals cooperate, sometimes even sacrificing thei
GMAT考试阅读辅导(13), Passage 13 In 1896 a Georgia couple suing for damages in the accidental death of their two year old was told that since the child had made no real economic contribution to the family, there was no liability for damages. In co
GMAT考试阅读辅导(18), Passage 18 Bernard Bailyn has recently reinterpreted the early history of the United States by applying new social research findings on the experiences of European migrants. In his reinterpretation, migration becomes the (5)
GMAT考试阅读辅导(21), Passage 21 In the two decades between 1910 and 1930, over ten percent to the Black population of the United Statesleft the South, where the preponderance of the Black population had been located, and migrated to northern(5) s
GMAT考试阅读辅导(31), Passage 31 The number of women directors appointed to corporate boards in the United States has increased dramatically, but the ratio of female to male directors remains low. Although pressure to recruit women directors,(5) u
GMAT考试阅读辅导(35), Passage 35 It can be argued that much consumer dissatisfaction with marketing strategies arises from an inability to aim advertising at only the likely buyers of a given product. There are three groups of consumers who are af
GMAT考试阅读辅导(40), Passage 40 Joseph Glarthaars Forged in Battle is not the first excellent study of Black soldiers and their White officers in the Civil War, but it uses more soldiers letters and diariesincluding rare material from Black soldi
GMAT考试阅读辅导(53), Passage 53 Although genetic mutations in bacteria and viruses can lead to epidemics,some epidemics are caused by bacteria and viruses that have undergone no significant genetic change. In analyzing the latter,scientists hav
GMAT考试阅读辅导(57), Passage 57 In recent years,teachers of introductory courses in Asian American studies have been facing a dilemma nonexistent a few decades ago,when hardly any texts in that field were available. Today, excellent antho-(5)l
GMAT考试阅读辅导(17), Passage 17 Species interdependence in nature confers many benefits on the species involved, but it can also become a point of weakness when one species involved in the relationship is affected by a catastrophe. Thus, flowerin
GMAT考试阅读辅导(24), Passage 24 All of the cells in a particular plant start out with the same complement of genes. How then can these cells differentiate and form structures as different as roots,stems, leaves, and fruits? The answer is that onl
GMAT考试阅读辅导(26), Passage 26 In choosing a method for determining climatic conditions that existed in the past, paleoclimatologists invoke four principal criteria. First, the material---rocks, lakes, vegetation, etcon which the method relies m
GMAT考试阅读辅导(30), Passage 30 Since the early 1970s, historians have begun to devote serious attention to the working class in the United States. Yet while we now have studies of working-class communities and culture, we know(5) remarkably litt
GMAT考试阅读辅导(39), Passage 39 Historians sometimes forget that history is communally being made and experienced before it is studied,interpreted, and read. These latter activities have their own history, of course, which may impinge in unex-(5)
GMAT考试阅读辅导(33), Passage 33 Until recently most astronomers believed that the space between the galaxies in our universe was a near perfect vacuum. This orthodox view of the universe is now being challenged by astronomers who believe that a(5