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GMAT官网为同学们提供两套免费模考题目, 在同学们打好基础后, 可以进行模考。
转自: GMAT考试官方社区根据近期国内新冠肺炎疫情防控形势和GMAT考点实际情况,
GMAT考试阅读辅导(37), Passage 37 Japanese firms have achieved the highest levels of manufacturing efficiency in the world automobile industry. Some observers of Japan have assumed that Japanese firms use the same manufacturing equipment(5) and tec
目前所有申请留学的学生和家长最关注的问题之一就是海外考试什么时候可以参加,接下来就是关于7月海外考试考场安排信息,一起来看一下吧。一、托福从7月11日起恢复苏州大学、扬州大学、宁波大学、西安外国语大学、深圳城市学院、上海中学、常州高级中学、东莞文盛国际学校、苏州国际预科学校和深圳赛格人才培训中心的托福考试(共10个考点,其7月4日和5日的托福考试取消, 考试费将全额退还至考生个人报名账户)。其它托福考点仍不具备组考条件,继续取消其7月份的托福考试,考试费将全额退还至考生个人报名账户。二、雅思从7月9日开始恢复雅思上海机考中心、广州机考中心和重庆机考中心的所有计算机化雅思考试(共3个机考考点,4
GMAT考试阅读辅导(9), Passage 9 Most economists in the united States seem captivated by the spell of the free market. Consequently, nothing seems good or normal that does not accord with the requirements of the free market.(5) A price that is dete
对不起,您的5月托福、雅思、GRE、GMAT考试取消!考生如何应对?-澳际留学网, 美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)与教育部考试中心(NEEA)官宣!双方商讨决定:取消中国大陆地区5月份所有托福考试,已经注册的5月份考试将自动取消,其考试费用会全额退还至考生的个人账户。雅思、GRE、GMAT也发出了取
GMAT考试一共有两次休息时间, 约8分钟。 学生可以自选考试顺序, 也就是数学 /语文/ 写作 先开始考哪个都可以。
GMAT考试阅读辅导(7), Passage 7 Between the eighth and eleventh centuries A.D., the Byzantine Empire staged an almost unparalleled economic and cultural revival, a recovery that is all the more striking because it followed a long period of severe
GMAT考试阅读辅导(1), Passage 1?? Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the United States unprecedented opportunities-as well as new and significant risks. Civil rights activists have long argued that one of (5)?the principal r
GMAT考试阅读辅导(2), Passage 2 Woodrow Wilson was referring to the liberal idea of the economic market when he said that the free enterprise system is the most efficient economic system. Maximum freedom means (5) maximum productiveness; our openn
GMAT考试阅读辅导(3), Passage 3 No very satisfactory account of the mechanism that caused the formation of the ocean basins has yet been given. The traditional view supposes that the upper mantle of the earth behaves as a (5)?liquid whe
GMAT考试阅读辅导(5), Passage 5 How many really suffer as a result of labor market problems? This is one of the most critical yet contentious social policy questions. In many ways, our social statistics exaggerate the degree of hard(5) ship. Unemp
GMAT考试阅读辅导(6), Passage 6 In the eighteenth century, Japans feudal overlords, from the shogun to the humblest samurai, found themselves under financial stress. In part, this stress can be attributed to (5) the overlords failure to adjust to
GMAT考试阅读辅导(4), Passage 4 The fossil remains of the first flying vertebrates, the pterosaurs, have intrigued paleontologists for more than two centuries. How such large creatures, which weighed in some cases as much as a piloted hang-glider
GMAT考试阅读辅导(8), Passage 8 Virtually everything astronomers known about objects outside the solar system is based on the detection of photons-quanta of electromagnetic radiation. Yet there is another form of radiation that permeates the unive
GMAT考试阅读辅导(37), Passage 37 Japanese firms have achieved the highest levels of manufacturing efficiency in the world automobile industry. Some observers of Japan have assumed that Japanese firms use the same manufacturing equipment(5) and tec