

gmat og10正确句子268(十四).


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gmat og10正确句子268(十四).

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    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(七),61. Since 1986 enrollments of African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanic Americans in full-time engineering programs in the United States have steadily increased, while the number of other students entering the field has fallen.

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    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(三),21. Paleontologists believe that fragments of a primate jawbone unearthed in Burma and estimated to be 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of a crucial step along the evolutionary path that led to human beings. 22. The end of th

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(十一).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(十一),100. Bihar is India&aposs poorest state, with an annual per capita income of $111, lower than that of the most impoverished countries of the world. 101. El Nino, the periodic abnormal warming of the sea surface off Peru, is a phenomenon in

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(八).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(八),71. The cameras of the Voyager II spacecraft detected six small, previously unseen moons circling Uranus, doubling to 12 the number of satellites now known to orbit the distant planet. 72. Architects and stonemasons, the Maya built huge

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(四).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(四),31. Egyptians are credited with having pioneered embalming methods as long ago as 2650 BC. 32. The Commerce Department announced that the economy grew during the second quarter at a 7.5 percent annual rate, while inflation eased when it

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(十).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(十),91. The Senate approved immigration legislation that would grant permanent residency to millions of aliens currently residing here and penalize employers who hire illegal aliens. 92. Despite protests from some waste-disposal companies,

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(十二).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(十二),111. A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind. 112. The Federal Reserve Board&aposs reduction of interest rates

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    同学们在完成 Practice Exams 1&2 后, 可以选择付费的 Practice Exams 3&4&5&6 , 进行官方付费模考, 分数的准确度很高。

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  • 细看新加坡教育体系,正确规划升学途径!

    细看新加坡教育体系,正确规划升学途径!,或者是想好了去新加坡留学,可是却不知新加坡的教育体系,而不敢盲目去留学。今天就为想去新加坡留学的小白们准备扫盲贴主要介绍各年龄段留学新加坡的教育体系一起来看看吧!1. 幼儿教育/学前教育(3-6岁)新加坡的小孩也是从一出生就要和同龄人竞争,3岁懂事到6岁上小学

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(六).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(六),51. The Olympic Games helped to keep peace among the pugnacious states of the Greek world, for a sacred truce was proclaimed during the month of the festival. 52. While all states face similar industrial waste problems, the predominant

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(九).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(九),81. In an effort to reduce their inventories, Italian vintners have cut prices; their wines are priced to sell, and they do. 82. Senator Lasker has proposed legislation requiring employers to retain all older workers indefinitely or sho

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(一).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(一),1. Although a surge in retail sales has raised hopes that a recovery is finally underway, many economists say that without a large amount of spending the recovery might not last. 2. Of all the vast tides of migration that have swept thr

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(二).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(二),11. Warning that computers in the United States are not secure, the National Academy of Sciences has urged the nation to revamp computer security procedures, institute new emergency response teams, and create a special nongovernment organi

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(五).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(五),41. While larger banks can afford to maintain their own data-processing operations, many smaller regional and community banks are finding that the costs associated with upgrading data-processing equipment and with the development and maint

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  • gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(十三).

    gmat og11黄皮正确句子138(十三),121. A firm that specializes in the analysis of handwriting claims to be able, from a one-page writing sample, to assess more than 300 hundred personality traits, including enthusiasm, imagination, and ambition. 122. More than 30 years

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    十六,I will give you a ring。我会给你一个戒指?求婚?

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    gmat og10正确句子268(十四),161. A wildlife expert predicts that the reintroduction of the caribou into northern Minnesota will fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is greater than one wolf for every 39 square miles. 162. Concerned at t

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