





  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(十八).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(十八),  2010.8.218.31 GMAT作文机经 AA篇   AA22 去年,由于demand下降,原来经营traditional fuel的公司,like BXXX Corporation, 它的profits 和stock price都下降了 。但是,那些经营renewable energy的公司的profits 和stock price却大幅度上升了。

    浏览量 44
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(十四).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(十四),   2010.8.218.31 GMAT作文机经 AA篇   AA13 The following appeared as part of a plan proposed by an executive of the Easy Credit Company to the president.   The Easy Credit Company would gain an advantage over competing cre

    浏览量 239
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(十七).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(十七),  2010.8.218.31 GMAT作文机经 AA篇   AA20 6月商店摆奢侈品 拿奢侈品做广告 结果整个店里不管是奢侈品还是正常产品 卖得都好 但是当摆普通商品的时候 生意就不太好 经理就建议 一年到头摆奢侈品。   考古   V1: AUTOMOBILE6月的

    浏览量 36
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(七).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(七),  20108.278.31 GMAT作文机经  AI篇   AI24 Although most people wish to live long lives, attempting to significantly extend the average human life span would be a mistake. If achieved, this would place an enormous burden on resou

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  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(八).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(八),  20108.278.31 GMAT作文机经  AI篇   AI26 The most effective way for a businessperson to maximize profits over a long period of time is to follow the highest standards of ethics.   提纲:   反面的例子可以是说如果

    浏览量 204
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月语法(至8.31)(一).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月语法(至8.31)(一),   2010.8.278.31 GMAT语法机经   8.27   36. 我抽到的几个我觉得难的题目都是考察的把句子主干意思放在句子主干上。比如说,有一道题题目是用and链接两个分句。但是其实这两个分句不是并列关系。应该改成一个主句,一个从句。我碰到好几

    浏览量 239
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(十).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(十),  2010.8.218.31 GMAT作文机经 AA篇   AA1 The following appeared as part of a recommendation from the business manager of a department store.   Local clothing stores reported that their profits decreased, on average, for th

    浏览量 43
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(十六).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(十六),  2010.8.218.31 GMAT作文机经 AA篇   AA18 The following appeared in a memorandum from the CEO of a consumer electronics manufacturing firm to the head of the company&aposs human resources department, who is responsible for hiring new

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  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(十二).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(十二),  2010.8.218.31 GMAT作文机经 AA篇   AA6 Greentree Grocers has been experiencing high sales volume but decreasing profit margin. Its customers are wealthy people looking for gourmet food and luxury shopping experience, so it must

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  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(十三).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(十三),  2010.8.218.31 GMAT作文机经 AA篇   AA9 The following appeared in a letter from a part-owner of a small retail clothing chain to her business partner:   Commercial real estate prices have been rising steadily in the Sandi

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  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(十五).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(十五),  2010.8.218.31 GMAT作文机经 AA篇   AA15 The following appeared as part of a business plan by the Capital Idea Investment firm.   Currently more and more books are becoming available in electronic form either free of char

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  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(五).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(五),  20108.278.31 GMAT作文机经  AI篇   AI14 People have duties to disobey the laws they consider unjust.   AI15 Employers should have the right to keep the employees from engage in 坏习惯, both in workforce or in personal

    浏览量 213
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(六).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(六),  20108.278.31 GMAT作文机经  AI篇   AI18 Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed.   提纲:

    浏览量 33
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(九).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(九),   20108.278.31 GMAT作文机经  AI篇   AI30 Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and

    浏览量 230
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(二十).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(二十),   2010.8.218.31 GMAT作文机经 AA篇   AA26 budget committee 建议一个软件公司效仿汽车行业 雇佣临时工的那个   AA27 Now is the perfect time to buy a house in our city. Over the past five years, average home prices in our regi

    浏览量 177
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(一).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(一),  20108.278.31 GMAT作文机经  AI篇   1 The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes

    浏览量 218
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(三).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(三),  20108.278.31 GMAT作文机经  AI篇   AI8 The rise of multinational corporations is leading to global homogeneity*. Because people everywhere are beginning to want the same products and services, regional differences are rapidly

    浏览量 201
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月作文(至8.31)(四).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月作文(至8.31)(四),   20108.278.31 GMAT作文机经  AI篇   AI12 As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individu

    浏览量 203
  • GMAT机经:2017年8月语法(至8.31)(二).

    GMAT机经:2010年8月语法(至8.31)(二),  2010.8.278.31 GMAT语法机经    8.28   51. 语法难度还是挺正常的。考了很多平行结构,还有while。。unlike。。like。。because of这种东西的。    8.30   52. 。。bee live in a colonies _________________________a

    浏览量 190
  • GMAT机经,2017年GMAT逻辑机经(至3.3)(八).


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