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北美历年考试的真题NO9[1].6,内容预览: 1 In the British theater young people under thirty-five have not had much----getting recognition onstage, but offstagein the ranks of playwrights, directors, designers, administratorsthey have mostly been relegated to
北美历年考试的真题NO9[1].3,内容预览: 1 The availability of oxygen is an essential----for animal life, while carbon dioxide is equally----for plant life. A choice.. optional B duplication.. selective C conversion.. exchangeable D c
北美历年考试的真题NO9[1].4,内容预览: 1 With its maverick approach to the subject,Shere Hite the media throughout the country have brought the authoraposs attention. A controver
北美历年考试的真题NO9[1].2,内容预览: 1 Although economists have traditionally considered the district to be solely an agricultural one, the----of the inhabitants&apos occupations makes such a classification obsolete. A productivity B diversity C predi
北美历年考试的真题NO9[1].5,内容预览: 1 Though some of the information the author reveals about Russian life might surprise Americans, her major themes are---- enough. A familiar B thorough C vital D original E interestin
北美历年考试的真题NO8[1].1,内容预览: 1 Many artists believe that successful imitation,far from being symptomatic of a lack of----, is the first step in learning to be creative. A elegance B resolution C goodness D originality
北美历年考试的真题NO7[1].1,内容预览: 1 There is perhaps some truth in that waggish old definition of a scholara siren that calls attention to a fog without doing anything to----it. A describe B cause C analyze D dispel E
1. 澳际教育简介
1. 工程学院
1. 学科专业广泛
1. 学科设置丰富多样
北美历年考试的真题NO9[1].1,1 Agronomists are increasingly worried about desertification, the phenomenon that is turning many of the world&aposs ----fields and pastures into----wastelands, unable to support the people living on them. A fertile.. barren