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名师GRE阅读难句背诵实例(七),Islam,on the other hand,represented a radical breakaway from theArab paganism that preceded it;Islamic law is the result of anexamination from a religious angle,of legal subject matter that was farfrom uniform,comprising as it did the various com
在上一个篇章 语法分析篇(1)的学习之后,我们需要来对照一下翻译,看看我们的理解是否正确。Ok 那么这5个句子有没有帮助你把语法结构稍微理清了呢?我们下次再继续进行多几组句子结构分析,希望可以对大家的阅读理解带来一定的帮助~
在雅思阅读考试中每一篇的文章篇幅都比较长,而且经常会出现一些长难句。这些长难句理解起来比较困难,但是又是解答问题的关键点,所以我们在备考中一定要多练习长难句。 01. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. 那种性别比例能在最大程度上增加一个个体所能拥有的后代数量,并因此能在最大程度上增加所传递到后代身上去的基因复制品的数量。 02
名师GRE阅读难句背诵实例(一),Hardy’s weakness derived from his apparent inability to controlthe comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from hisunwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones.
名师GRE阅读难句背诵实例(四),The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not ofdictating the details of human behavior but one of imposingconstraints—ways of feeling,thinking,and acting that'come naturally'in archetypal situations in any culture.
名师GRE阅读难句背诵实例(二),This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derivedfrom West African rules governing marriage,which,though they differedfrom one tribal group to another,all involved some kind of prohibitionagainst unions with close kin.
名师GRE阅读难句背诵实例(六),My point is that its central consciousness—its profoundunderstanding of class and gender as shaping influences on people’slives—owes much to that earlier literary heritage,a heritage that,ingeneral
名师GRE阅读难句背诵实例(三),The physicist rightly dreads precise argument,since an argumentthat is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if theassumptions on which it is based are slightly changed,whereas anargument that is convincing though imprecise may wel
名师GRE阅读难句背诵实例(五),The hydrologic cycle,a major topic in this science,is thecomplete cycle of phenomena through which water passes,beginning asatmospheric water vapor,passing into liquid and solid form asprecipitation,thence along and into the ground surface
名师GRE阅读难句背诵实例(八),Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adultflatfish is eye placement: before maturity one eye migrates,so that inan adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head.
名师GRE阅读难句背诵实例(九),It is possible to make specific complementary DNA’s(cDNA’s)that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messengerRNA’s (mRNA’s)of the peptide hormones. If brain cells are making thehormones,the cells will contain these Mrna’S. If the prod
随着信息的爆炸式增长,越来越多的学生选择自主DIY(Do It Yourself)留学方式,自主规划、组织和完成留学经历。而澳洲作为世界著名的留学目的地之一,自主DIY留学澳洲具有七大优势,让留学生能够突破传统的枷锁,实现个人的梦想和目标。
GRE阅读难句背诵实例4, GRE阅读难句一直是广大GRE考生比较头疼的事情,有效的背诵这些难句,为你的GRE阅读提分!
名师GRE阅读难句背诵实例(七),Islam,on the other hand,represented a radical breakaway from theArab paganism that preceded it;Islamic law is the result of anexamination from a religious angle,of legal subject matter that was farfrom uniform,comprising as it did the various com