

Part 2话题参考答案——Music Hall.


澳际留学网Part 2话题参考答案——Music Hall.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Part 2话题参考答案——Music Hall.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Part 2话题参考答案——Music Hall.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。

Part 2话题参考答案——Music Hall.

  • Part 2话题参考答案——A Health Problem.

    Part 2话题参考答案——A Health Problem,  和考官描述一个健康问题,并不需要说什么心脑血管疾病、小儿麻痹、糖尿病之类的深奥问题。A Health Problem其实并不难描述,如果按照这样的方法去理解就容易多了:任何影响到我们health的problem。如:肥胖、酗酒、吸烟等等。   A Health Proble

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  • 澳洲留学中介-2019年澳洲留学要花多少钱?这里有一份参考答案!

    澳洲留学中介-2019年澳洲留学要花多少钱?这里有一份参考答案!,  那么澳洲留学费用是多少呢?小编准备了一份参考答案,参考一下吧!全球最贵留学国家排行榜去年,TIMES就列过一个全球最贵留学国家排名:美国以平均学费£33,691,总的留学费用在£49,195,成为全球最贵的留学国家;澳洲以平均学费

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  • 雅思口语part 1 别再只会用“yes”和“no”回答啦

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  • 雅思口语part2地点类描述头脑风暴


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  • Part 2话题参考答案——A course that you want to learn.

    Part 2话题参考答案——A course that you want to learn,  The course I want to learn is cooking. Since China has a long history in cooking, everybody thinks cooking is important. So, I would like to learn sth about cooking. Besides, there is a very popular saying in China Food is the first co

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  • Part 2话题参考答案——A book you recently read.

    Part 2话题参考答案——A book you recently read,  Describe a book you recently read.   You should say   what book it was   when you read it   why you read it   and explain what you liked and (possibly) disliked about the book.   what book it was

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  • Part 2话题参考答案——A time you lost something.

    Part 2话题参考答案——A time you lost something,  丢失的物品严格的讲应该属于事件题一类,因为它的重点不是描述物品本身,而是讲述整个事情的经过和事后我们的感受。第三部分会讨论一些关于法制和犯罪的问题,属于我们日常英语词汇中的盲区,要格外注意。   Describe a time when you lost some

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  • Part 2话题参考答案——an occasion that you were late for.

    Part 2话题参考答案——an occasion that you were late for,  Let me talk about an important occasion that I was late for. A couple of days ago, I got an email from a training center and they told me to go to a job interview the next morning. I applied for that job last month and really hoped I c

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  • Part 2话题参考答案——A place with a lot of water.

    Part 2话题参考答案——A place with a lot of water,  一个有水的地方,这个题目可以跟景点、花园、旅游扯到一起去的。这次范文是让一位口语的8分得主小李写的,是我济南外国语学校的师妹,她讲的是济南的黑虎泉。首先恭喜这位同学,也要感谢她为我们提供了素材。   Describe a place that you have

    浏览量 306
  • Part 2话题参考答案——new or exciting thing.

    Part 2话题参考答案——new or exciting thing,  Describe a new or exciting thing that you did recently.   You should say:   * what it was ①   * when you did it②   * who you did it with③   and explain why this activity was new or exciting for you.④

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  • Part 2话题参考答案——Invention发明创造.

    Part 2话题参考答案——Invention发明创造,  Describe an important invention (before the age of computers) that has influenced human society.***   You should say:   what the invention is   when and where it was invented   how it is used   and explai

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  • 如何选择英国留学中介?这里有你想要的答案!


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  • 雅思口语part 2素材: 对学习或工作有帮助的事情

    Describe something you do to help you study or work:What it isHow you learn itWhen you do itHow you feel about the method.      

    浏览量 1343
  • Part 2话题参考答案——A wild animal in your country.

    Part 2话题参考答案——A wild animal in your country,   Describe a wild animal in your country.   You should say:   what animal it was   what it looked like   where you saw it   and explain what people in your country feel about this animal.   One nev

    浏览量 226
  • Part 2话题参考答案——Interesting Story On TV.

    Part 2话题参考答案——Interesting Story On TV,  Describe an interesting story you saw on TV   You should say:   what the story was ①   when you watched it ②   who was in the story ③   and explain why you remember it ④   ① I&aposm pretty sure e

    浏览量 272
  • Part 2话题参考答案——A traditional(happy) event.

    Part 2话题参考答案——A traditional(happy) event,   Describe a traditional(happy) event that you attended.   You should say:   what this event is   when it happens   who participates in this event and what they do   and explain how you feel

    浏览量 233
  • Part 2话题参考答案——someone good at cooking.

    Part 2话题参考答案——someone good at cooking,  Describe someone you know who is good at cooking.   You should say:   who this person is ①   how you know him or her ②   what kinds of food they cook ③   and explain how (you think) this person became

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  • 澳洲留学申请-澳洲留学要花多少钱?这里有一份参考答案!


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  • 听力part1高频考点之location&place(位置与地点)


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  • Part 2话题参考答案——Music Hall.

    Part 2话题参考答案——Music Hall,  Describe a theatre or music hall that you have seen or been to   You should say:   where it is   what kind of music is performed there   why people go there   and explain your impressions of this place

    浏览量 369
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