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澳际留学网Episcopal High School.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Episcopal High School.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Episcopal High School.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。
Emma Willard School,Since 1814, Emma Willard School has been one of the nation leading college-preparatory boarding and day schools for young women.
Georgetown Preparatory School,Georgetown Preparatory School, one of the oldest boys&apos schools in America is the only Jesuit boarding school in the country.
La Lumiere School,La Lumiere School is an independent coeducational boarding and day college-preparatory high school. It is situated on a beautiful rural estate in northwest Indiana, just over one-hour east of Chicago.
Olney Friends School,Olney Friends School, established in 1837, is a college preparatory co-educational boarding school for 65-70 students in grades 9 through 12, located in rural Barnesville, Ohio. We celebrate intellectual vigor, provoke questions of conscience, and nu
Portsmouth Abbey School,Portsmouth Abbey School is a coeducational boarding and day school for students in grades 9-12. Founded in 1926 by the English Benedictine community, the school is located on a 550-acre campus along the picturesque shores of Rhode Islands Narraganset
San Domenico School,San Domenico wooded, solar-powered 500-acre campus is in Marin County, just 20 miles north of San Francisco, California. Founded in 1850, our independent high school enrolls 150 girls from the Bay Area and around the world. In addition to a new athle
Santa Catalina School,Santa Catalina is an independent Catholic school, dedicated to the education of young women by giving careful consideration to the individual abilities and potential of each student. Our goal is to balance intellectual growth with spiritual awareness
South Kent School,South Kent School is a boarding and day school for boys in grades 9-12, located in the heart of the Litchfield Hills in northwest Connecticut. An enrollment of 145 students and a teaching staff of twenty-nine translates into small classes and individ
Hampshire Country School,Hampshire Country School is a small country boarding school designed to provide younger boys, most of middle school age, a solid education, healthy activities, intellectually stimulating friends, and all the support of a family-style boarding school
Woodberry Forest School,Woodberry Forest School is a highly selective independent boarding school for boys in grades 9-12. Centered around a 100-year-old, student-run honor system, a Woodberry education emphasizes intellectual thoroughness and moral integrity.
莱斯布里奇大学奖学金申请攻略,莱斯布里奇大学奖学金奖学金类别(英文):High School Entrance Awards奖学金类别(中文):本科入学奖学金发放人群:高中申请本科的学生发放比例:100%发放金额:$500 (75-79%)$800 (80-100%)申请截止日期:6月30日奖学金类
TMI -The Episcopal School of Texas,TMI The Episcopal School of Texas is the oldest Episcopal Church-sponsored college preparatory school in the Southwest United States. Founded in 1893,the school&aposs mission is embodied in its core values of moral integrity, scholastic aptitude, spiritu
7月GMAT作文机经:Saluda Consolidated High School, 7月13日GMAT机经换库了,现在就由小编来为大家整理七月份的GMAT作文机经整理,下面是关于GMAT作文机经的相关问题,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。 七月第九篇(六月第十八篇) The Saluda Consolidated High School of
Beach Intermediate School-海外留学,关键词:新西兰留学,海外留学,新西兰留学中介,新西兰留学网,新西兰留学申请条件.....
澳洲高中留学该如何选择学校?-澳洲留学选校,澳大利亚是个热门的留学国家,每年都有大量留学生前来学习。那么澳洲高中留学选哪些学校比较好?让我们一起来看一下吧。1.Blakehurst High School这是一所位于澳洲悉尼地区的学校,环境优雅。学校的文科尤其是语言课程十分出 色,并且数学单
克里夫兰高中 Cleveland High School,克里夫兰学区成立于1898年,比俄克拉荷马加入美国成为美 国的一个州还早将近10年。克里夫兰为他们的传统感而自豪,并致力于塑造未来。克里夫兰学区是一个包含幼儿园到 12年级的公立学校系统,每年有1,800名学生在本学区接受教育。
奥罗诺公立高中 Orono Public High School,奥罗诺公立高中提供非常严格的课程项目,有许多高级课程和有趣的活动,学生生活紧张而充实。学校以科技为中心,通过MLTI笔记本程序同全世界相连。
美国私立高中John Carroll Catholic High School,美国私立高中在美国高中中,更有机会上名校的,所以很多中国学生都会选择去美国私立高中留学。本文为大家分享一下美国私立高中John Carroll Catholic High School的信息,希望对大家有所帮助。
凯瑟琳麦考利高中 Catherine McAuley High School,凯瑟琳麦考利高中成立于1873年,位于缅因州波特兰,是缅因州唯一的女子学校。它为当地的年轻女孩子们提供了一个自由地接受严谨并丰富的大学预备教育的机会。
Episcopal High School,Episcopal 是一所全寄宿学校,学生来自30 个州以及10 个同学国家。学校师资实力雄厚,采用小班教学模式(平均11 人/班)。学校为学生提供40 门AP 和进阶课程,现代技术的使用更好的提高了学生的学习效率。学校的优势在于大量的艺术课程、体育运动项目供学生选择;高年级