

Vermont Academy.


澳际留学网Vermont Academy.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Vermont Academy.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Vermont Academy.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。

Vermont Academy.

  • Tabor Academy.

    Tabor Academy,Tabor offers a thoughtful and rigorous academic program that provides a solid foundation for study at competitive colleges. For a school of our size, the curriculum contains an especially broad spectrum of courses, from introductory levels to honors

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  • Thornton Academy.

    Thornton Academy,Welcome to Thornton Academy, one of Maine nd New England ldest and most respected private schools. In 1889 a Thornton Academy trustee, speaking at the opening ceremonies of one now-historic campus building, described our school as bright light to ill

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  • Wayland Academy.

    Wayland Academy,Wayland Academy is proud of its Midwestern roots and heritage, proud of our pleasant and safe campus, proud of our talented and dedicated faculty, and proud of our diverse and exciting student body.

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  • Concord Academy.

    Concord Academy,The individuality, diversity, and quality of Concord Academy&aposs faculty and student body make it an exceptional place to live and learn.

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  • Cushing Academy.

    Cushing Academy,Founded in 1865, Cushing is an independent, college preparatory school for girls and boys in grades 9 through 12 and post-graduate.

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  • Montverde Academy.

    Montverde Academy,Montverde Academy is a college preparatory, coeducational independent school serving Grades PK3-12. The boarding program serves boys and girls in Grades 7-12 & Post Grad.

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  • Subiaco Academy.

    Subiaco Academy,Subiaco Academy, a boarding/day high school, is dedicated to providing young men with the opportunity for a college preparatory education in a stable and structured environment nourished by Christian values. The Subiaco experience also provides the o

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  • Wasatch Academy.

    Wasatch Academy,"Awe-struck by cascading mountains and the lush Sanpete Valley, Dr. Duncan McMillan proclaimed, &aposLet it endure like the Wasatch Mountains all it Wasatch Academy.&apos

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  • Missouri Military Academy.

    Missouri Military Academy,MMA是美国最好的军校之一,被美国教育部评为“私立学校模范单位”。作为美国后备军官初级预备学校,还被美国军事部评为“荣誉单位”。“士兵的仪表,绅士的风度,学者的态度”是MMA的校训。该校的教育理念是培养“完整的人”。学校注重培养学生的责任心,学生在关心他人

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  • Phillips Exeter Academy.

    Phillips Exeter Academy,Students worldwide choose an Exeter education for a host of reasons, primarily because of academic excellence. Exeter is known as one of the leading boarding high schools in the United States because it provides

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  • Amdiral Farragut Academy.

    Amdiral Farragut Academy,AFA 是一所出名的海军学校。学校提供传统的军事学校课程,同时也非常注重学生的学习和课外活动。学校坐落于美丽于Boca Ciega 海湾。学校每年有15%到20%的毕业生考取军事大学,同时获得ROTC奖学金。学校最近投资600万美元改善校园环境及设备。

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  • Colorado Timberline Academy.

    Colorado Timberline Academy,Colorado Timberline Academy is a non-traditional college preparatory, co-ed, secondary boarding/day school dedicated to changing the lives of

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  • Florida Air Academy.

    Florida Air Academy,Florida Air Academy is Florida&aposs largest boarding school and home of the country&aposs premier student leadership program. Florida

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  • Lake Forest Academy.

    Lake Forest Academy,Founded in 1857, Lake Forest Academy is a coed, boarding and day school serving 390 academically bright and motivated students. The Academy is located in a National Historic Landmark 30 miles north of Chicago on a 150-acre wooded campus.

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  • Hargrave Military Academy.

    Hargrave Military Academy,Located in Southwest Virginia, Hargrave Military Academy is a private boarding school with Christian values serving boys from grades seven to one postgraduate year. Hargrave offers a &aposHow to Study&apos

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  • Oak Hill Academy.

    Oak Hill Academy,Oak Hill Academy is a coeducational, boarding day/school committed to excellence in education and adolescent development. The mission of Oak Hill Academy is to provide a safe, secure, nurturing environment for students needing a change in school, pee

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  • Cresset Christian Academy.

    Cresset Christian Academy,Cresset Christian Academy 学校概况   Cresset Christian Academy 成立于 1975 年,是一所私立的基督学校,学校实行男女合 校。学校开设大学预科课程、运动项目和艺术课程。学校是浸信会教友会的一员,并同教友 会共同使用设施。学校致力于

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  • Admiral Farragut Academy.

    Admiral Farragut Academy,  法拉古特舰队上将中学被美国国会授予海军荣誉学院,提供大学预备教育。学校采用军事化管理模式,促进学术能力的提高,注重在领导能力和外交能力的培养。现在,已经有九名毕业生在现役军中服役了。

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  • Army and Navy Academy.

    Army and Navy Academy,A college-preparatory, military, residential, and day school for young men grades 7 through 12, Army and Navy Academy (ANA) dedicates itself to providing a comprehensive education in a safe and structured environment.

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  • Squaw Valley Academy.

    Squaw Valley Academy,Squaw Valley Academy (SVA) is an international college-prep boarding school founded in 1978 to offer project-based learning, outdoor education, and sports opportunities in the scenic California High Sierra. SVA offers strong preparation for college

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  • Vermont Academy.

    Vermont Academy,Vermont Academy 是一所提供大学预科课程的学校。我们着重培养学生的自信心和独立能力。在老师的引导下,学生会发现自己的优势所在,同时培养学生解决问题,批判思考分析等良好品质。学校为学生提供高质量的教学,无线上网,18 种不同的体育运动,户外教学,以及创作艺

    浏览量 840
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