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澳际留学网Admiral Farragut Academy.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Admiral Farragut Academy.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Admiral Farragut Academy.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。
Admiral Farragut Academy, 法拉古特舰队上将中学被美国国会授予海军荣誉学院,提供大学预备教育。学校采用军事化管理模式,促进学术能力的提高,注重在领导能力和外交能力的培养。现在,已经有九名毕业生在现役军中服役了。
Amdiral Farragut Academy,AFA 是一所出名的海军学校。学校提供传统的军事学校课程,同时也非常注重学生的学习和课外活动。学校坐落于美丽于Boca Ciega 海湾。学校每年有15%到20%的毕业生考取军事大学,同时获得ROTC奖学金。学校最近投资600万美元改善校园环境及设备。
美国admiral farragut academy中学创建于1933年,位于佛罗里达州西海岸的圣彼得堡郊区,招收幼儿园学龄前至12年级的走读学生及6至12年级的寄宿学生,是一所私立的大学预科男女合校。
Vermont Academy,Vermont Academy 是一所提供大学预科课程的学校。我们着重培养学生的自信心和独立能力。在老师的引导下,学生会发现自己的优势所在,同时培养学生解决问题,批判思考分析等良好品质。学校为学生提供高质量的教学,无线上网,18 种不同的体育运动,户外教学,以及创作艺
Houghton Academy,Houghton Academy is a Christian, college-prep boarding and day school enrolling students in grades 6 - 12. Headmaster Stockin is fond of describing our program as having a three-fold emphasis on head, heart and hands.
Salem Academy,Salem Academy is a private college-preparatory school that offers girls with high aspirations a challenging education in a home-like atmosphere. We provide a balanced curriculum from Physics to music, from art to Latin, from Calculus to Psychology.
Cheshire Academy,Cheshire Academy is a community within a community, close to large cities, yet suburban enough that students feel comfortable on- and off-campus.
Deerfield Academy,Deerfield prepares its students for both college and the world beyond, yet its graduates return often, remembering the Academy
Mercersburg Academy,Mercersburg Academy prepares young men and women from diverse backgrounds for college and for life in a global community.
Suffield Academy,Suffield Academy is an exciting and supportive school. Our dedicated faculty bring talent, compassion and creativity to their work. Our students bring ambition and vitality to the school&aposs diverse community.
Hebron Academy,Hebron Academy 建立于1804 年。该寄宿学校位于Hebron 东部。Hebron 招收六年级以上的男女生。为学生提供十分具有挑战性的学术课程包括进阶和AP 课程。班级规模为6 到12 人。除此以外,学校还提供美术、表演艺术课程,以及体育运动项目。我们学校的办学目的在于引导学生
Brenau Academy,It is never too early to begin encouraging young women to discover their own extraordinary lives.
Foxcroft Academy,Foxcroft Academy was founded in 1823 and is one of the oldest private day and boarding schools in America.
Fryeburg Academy,Fryeburg Academy is an independent secondary school that serves a diverse population of local day students and boarding students from across the nation and around the world.
Milton Academy,Milton Academy cultivates in its students a passion for learning and a respect for others. Embracing diversity and the pursuit of excellence, we create a community in which individuals develop competence, confidence and character.
Nawa Academy,Nawa Academy is a coed, independent boarding school located in California. As a leader in experiential education, we serve students in both middle school and high school, utilizing a hands-on learning approach.
Washington Academy,Washington Academy&aposs learning formula starts with the school&aposs accomplished faculty. Add 100 different courses and an energetic student body and you get a thriving academic environment that is highly individualized
Brewster Academy,作为世界中学教育的佼佼者,Brewster Academy 在教学方法上努力创新,最终成功得到了社会的认可。越来越多的学生选择到我们学校修读大学预科课程。学生在课程上积极参加课堂讨论,互相合作,共同进步。学生校园生活丰富多彩,包括各种各样的体育项目、艺术课程以及社区
Lawrence Academy,我们提供一个以学术研究为重心的教学课程,通过研讨会,项目设计以及独立学习,将传统教学与学生自学很好的结合起来。跳舞,戏剧,音乐,视觉艺术;体育竞技项目;温暖的团体环境;国际多样性;与指导老师的日常见面;宿舍电邮和互联网;广播站;录音室。这些都使得学生
Admiral Farragut Academy, 法拉古特舰队上将中学被美国国会授予海军荣誉学院,提供大学预备教育。学校采用军事化管理模式,促进学术能力的提高,注重在领导能力和外交能力的培养。现在,已经有九名毕业生在现役军中服役了。