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澳际留学网Brandon Hall School.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Brandon Hall School.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Brandon Hall School.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。
The White Mountain School,The White Mountain School是一所独立中学,兼收走读和寄宿生。1886年成立时校名为Saint Mary’s School。学校致力于为学生进入严格的大学学习和走上社会打好基础,为学生提供大学预科课程。这个有9-12年级共一百名在校学生的大家庭通过提供充满竞争力的教育环境,培养
Emma Willard School,Since 1814, Emma Willard School has been one of the nation leading college-preparatory boarding and day schools for young women.
Georgetown Preparatory School,Georgetown Preparatory School, one of the oldest boys&apos schools in America is the only Jesuit boarding school in the country.
La Lumiere School,La Lumiere School is an independent coeducational boarding and day college-preparatory high school. It is situated on a beautiful rural estate in northwest Indiana, just over one-hour east of Chicago.
Olney Friends School,Olney Friends School, established in 1837, is a college preparatory co-educational boarding school for 65-70 students in grades 9 through 12, located in rural Barnesville, Ohio. We celebrate intellectual vigor, provoke questions of conscience, and nu
Portsmouth Abbey School,Portsmouth Abbey School is a coeducational boarding and day school for students in grades 9-12. Founded in 1926 by the English Benedictine community, the school is located on a 550-acre campus along the picturesque shores of Rhode Islands Narraganset
San Domenico School,San Domenico wooded, solar-powered 500-acre campus is in Marin County, just 20 miles north of San Francisco, California. Founded in 1850, our independent high school enrolls 150 girls from the Bay Area and around the world. In addition to a new athle
Santa Catalina School,Santa Catalina is an independent Catholic school, dedicated to the education of young women by giving careful consideration to the individual abilities and potential of each student. Our goal is to balance intellectual growth with spiritual awareness
South Kent School,South Kent School is a boarding and day school for boys in grades 9-12, located in the heart of the Litchfield Hills in northwest Connecticut. An enrollment of 145 students and a teaching staff of twenty-nine translates into small classes and individ
Virginia Episcopal School,"Virginia Episcopal School is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory boarding and day school for young men and women in grades 9-12. Founded in 1916, VES is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Lynchburg,
Hampshire Country School,Hampshire Country School is a small country boarding school designed to provide younger boys, most of middle school age, a solid education, healthy activities, intellectually stimulating friends, and all the support of a family-style boarding school
Woodberry Forest School,Woodberry Forest School is a highly selective independent boarding school for boys in grades 9-12. Centered around a 100-year-old, student-run honor system, a Woodberry education emphasizes intellectual thoroughness and moral integrity.
英国私立女子学校——Queenswood School -英国留学网,经历了100多年的发展,Queenswood School建立了卓越的声誉,成为英国领先的女子学校之一,女孩们在这里接受优良的教育、全面发展,成长为拥有强烈幸福感的年轻女士。该校的考试成绩名列前茅,英国首相撒切尔夫人也
威斯敏斯特公学(Westminster School)-英国留学中介,(Westminster School)位置:伦敦(London)属性:男女混合年龄段:13-18岁入学考试:13+和16+考入牛剑学生数:约97名学生总数:约747名学费(每学期):约8092镑(走读);11686镑(寄宿)
申请怀卡托大学硕士有何要求?-新西兰留学网,怀卡托大学学生宿舍共有4个,可容纳1000名学生在校园住宿,它们是:Student Village (SV);Bryant Hall (BH);College Hall (CH);Orchard Park (OP)。怀卡托大学管理学院是获得“三皇冠”认
Beach Intermediate School-海外留学,关键词:新西兰留学,海外留学,新西兰留学中介,新西兰留学网,新西兰留学申请条件.....
新加坡南洋理工大学宿舍-新加坡留学网,新加坡南洋理工大学宿舍新加坡南洋理工大学宿舍非常大,住宿区分为工作人员、在读生、毕业生三种宿舍。宿舍通常称为 Hall of Residences,简称为 Hall。每个 hall 里面又分为各个block。南大有从 Hall 1 到 Hall 16 一共 16
Rangiora High School-海外留学
【留学英国】英国NEW HALL学校到底怎么样?学费一年多少?有哪些课程设置?, 大家都知道英国是一个比较热门的留学国家,不管是什么时期去往英国留学的学生人数都不少,英国的大学和中学数量是比较多的,大部分申请英国留学的学生都是大学生或是中学生,英国的学校分为公立和私立学校,每个不同类型的学校都有排名比较靠前的,那么接下来小编就带着大家一起来了解下英国NEW HALL学校到底怎么
英国一般多大上大学呢?-英国留学网, college是过渡,之后是大学university.一般来讲,5岁-13岁是primary school.就像我们的小学。而secondary school就象初中,课程被叫做GCSE。如果完成了secondary school学生可以考虑就业或是接受更高教
Brandon Hall 学校 - Brandon Hall School,Brandon Hall学校成立于1959年, 注重因材施教, 为中上等学生和有学习障碍的学生提供小组及一对一学习. 学校同时提供英语非母语学生的语言课程.
Brandon Hall School,Founded in 1959, Brandon Hall focuses on the individual student by providing small group and one-to-one college preparatory classes for average to above average students including those diagnosed with learning disabilities.