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澳际留学网Idyllwild Arts Academy.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Idyllwild Arts Academy.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Idyllwild Arts Academy.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。
Amdiral Farragut Academy,AFA 是一所出名的海军学校。学校提供传统的军事学校课程,同时也非常注重学生的学习和课外活动。学校坐落于美丽于Boca Ciega 海湾。学校每年有15%到20%的毕业生考取军事大学,同时获得ROTC奖学金。学校最近投资600万美元改善校园环境及设备。
Colorado Timberline Academy,Colorado Timberline Academy is a non-traditional college preparatory, co-ed, secondary boarding/day school dedicated to changing the lives of
Florida Air Academy,Florida Air Academy is Florida&aposs largest boarding school and home of the country&aposs premier student leadership program. Florida
Lake Forest Academy,Founded in 1857, Lake Forest Academy is a coed, boarding and day school serving 390 academically bright and motivated students. The Academy is located in a National Historic Landmark 30 miles north of Chicago on a 150-acre wooded campus.
圣力嘉学院最热门专业,了解一下?,热门专业荣誉飞行技师本科专业Honours Bachelor of Aviation Technology( Co-op )会计和金融专业Accounting and Finance Program(Co-op 3年)时尚管理专业Fashion Arts Advan
Hargrave Military Academy,Located in Southwest Virginia, Hargrave Military Academy is a private boarding school with Christian values serving boys from grades seven to one postgraduate year. Hargrave offers a &aposHow to Study&apos
Oak Hill Academy,Oak Hill Academy is a coeducational, boarding day/school committed to excellence in education and adolescent development. The mission of Oak Hill Academy is to provide a safe, secure, nurturing environment for students needing a change in school, pee
Cresset Christian Academy,Cresset Christian Academy 学校概况 Cresset Christian Academy 成立于 1975 年,是一所私立的基督学校,学校实行男女合 校。学校开设大学预科课程、运动项目和艺术课程。学校是浸信会教友会的一员,并同教友 会共同使用设施。学校致力于
新加坡国立大学新增硕博项目,2021年度申请开放!,新加坡国立大学今年新增的硕博项目和分支共5个,分别为:Master of Arts in Architectural Conservation (建筑保护硕士)Master of Science in Accounting (会计学硕士)Mas
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence MSc-英国留学中介,目前已广泛应用于机器视觉,人脸识别,自动规划,智能搜索,博弈,自动程序设计,智能控制,机器人学,语言和图像理解,遗传编程等等领域的人工智能技术,自AlphaGo掀起人工智能大讨论以来,而今已在
澳洲国立大学学科优势,澳洲国立大学学科优势澳大利亚国家大学 (ANU) 在艺术与人文(Arts and Humanities)、自然科学(Natural Sciences)与社会科学(Social Sciences)都名列全澳第1;工程与科技学 Engineering and Technology)
Admiral Farragut Academy, 法拉古特舰队上将中学被美国国会授予海军荣誉学院,提供大学预备教育。学校采用军事化管理模式,促进学术能力的提高,注重在领导能力和外交能力的培养。现在,已经有九名毕业生在现役军中服役了。
Army and Navy Academy,A college-preparatory, military, residential, and day school for young men grades 7 through 12, Army and Navy Academy (ANA) dedicates itself to providing a comprehensive education in a safe and structured environment.
Squaw Valley Academy,Squaw Valley Academy (SVA) is an international college-prep boarding school founded in 1978 to offer project-based learning, outdoor education, and sports opportunities in the scenic California High Sierra. SVA offers strong preparation for college
West Nottingham Academy,West Nottingham Academy (WNA) is a small college-preparatory boarding and day school for grades 9-12/pg, between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Founded in 1744, WNA is the oldest boarding school in America. With so many options,
Western Reserve Academy,Reserve 是全美13所顶尖的招收寄宿及走读生的男女合校之一。学校开设19 门AP 课程。学生SAT 平均成绩为1240。
Andrews Osborne Academy,Located on 300 acres in Willoughby, Ohio, Andrews Osborne Academy offers a safe, self-contained campus that includes The Fine Arts Association, as well as a world-class Equestrian Center.
Camden Military Academy,The school&aposs philosophy is to develop the &aposwhole man&apos to the end that he is prepared not only academically, but also emotionally, physically, and morally, to face the trials and meet the opportunities that will be his after he leaves Camden Military
Family First Academy,At Family First Academy, students will grow in a nurturing environment that combines structured guidance and support with self-reliance
Idyllwild Arts Academy,The Idyllwild Arts Academy specializes in pre-professional training in the arts in grades 9-12. We are the only boarding school on the West Coast