

Hawai&apos&aposi Preparatory Academy.


澳际留学网Hawai&apos&aposi Preparatory Academy.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Hawai&apos&aposi Preparatory Academy.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Hawai&apos&aposi Preparatory Academy.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。

Hawai&apos&aposi Preparatory Academy.

  • St. Timothy&apos&aposs School.

    St. Timothy&apos&aposs School,St. Timothy School, founded in 1882, is an academically challenging college-preparatory school for girls, located just outside Baltimore, Maryland. A demanding curriculum is supported with small class size and individual attention in order to fully d

    浏览量 763
  • St. George&apos&aposs School.

    St. George&apos&aposs School,St. George&aposs School provides a rigorous college prep curriculum, high standards, and dynamic classroom discussion. Round tables are prevalent and coincide with our belief in the virtue of small classes and in the benefits of active dialog and debate

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  • St. Margaret&apos&aposs School.

    St. Margaret&apos&aposs School,Founded in 1921 as one of the Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia (CSDV), and a member of the Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS), St. Margaret&aposs offers a boarding and day college preparatory program for girls in grades 8-12..."

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  • St. Andrew&apos&aposs College.

    St. Andrew&apos&aposs College,St. Andrew College is about life preparation. Whether you are a keen student, a strong athlete, a bagpiper or drummer, or actor or artist, our students embody the well-rounded boy who wants to become involved.

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  • 堪布莱恩学院认可度怎么样?申请难度如何?

    堪布莱恩学院认可度怎么样?申请难度如何?,为了更好地扩展教育,2005年,堪布莱恩学院与Hanson International Academy汉森国际学院合作在多伦多市中心开设了多伦多校区。堪布莱恩学院不强制要求托福或雅思成绩。如没有语言成绩,学生可先就读学院语言班。对于要读语言班的国内高中毕

    浏览量 667
  • [择校指南]美国奥克拉荷马州最好的高中有哪些?美国奥克拉荷马州高中推荐

    [择校指南]美国奥克拉荷马州最好的高中有哪些?美国奥克拉荷马州高中推荐,哈定特许预备高中(Harding Charter Preparatory High School) 哈丁特许预科高中在俄克拉荷马州排名第一,学生有机会参加预科课程和考试,哈丁特许预科高中的AP入学率为100%,少数民族总入学率为

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  • Cushing Academy库欣高中.

    Cushing Academy库欣高中,该校创建于1865年,是美国最古老的男女合校寄宿中学,也是一所具有自主创新精神的大学预备制的高级中学。学校获得New England独立学校联合会及美国寄宿制学校联合会认证。学校主要针对9—12年级(相当于我国高中),以及Postgraduate(相当于我国预科)的学生招生,走读

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  • Donahue Academy of Ave Maria.

    Donahue Academy of Ave Maria,The Donahue Academy of Ave Maria offers a classical education and a liberal arts focus using the great books

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  • Academy of St. Xavier.

    Academy of St. Xavier,The Academy of St. Xavier is a residential school for young men in grades 7-12. Located in northwest Iowa, in the middle of the Heartland, the area is renowned for its quality education, safe environment and rural hospitality.

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  • 堪布莱恩学院认可度怎么样?申请难度如何?

    堪布莱恩学院认可度怎么样?申请难度如何?,为了更好地扩展教育,2005年,堪布莱恩学院与Hanson International Academy汉森国际学院合作在多伦多市中心开设了多伦多校区。堪布莱恩学院不强制要求托福或雅思成绩。如没有语言成绩,学生可先就读学院语言班。对于要读语言班的国内高中毕

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  • St. Mark&apos&aposs School.

    St. Mark&apos&aposs School,St. Mark&aposs School educates young people for lives of leadership and service. Founded in 1865 as an intentionally small residential community, the School challenges its students to develop their particular analytic and creative capabilities by both in

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  • St. Paul&apos&aposs School.

    St. Paul&apos&aposs School,St. Paul&aposs School is committed to educating the whole person and preparing students to make contributions to a changing and challenging world. The philosophy of St. Paul&aposs School defines education as all of the structured experiences in which student

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  • Maharishi Academy of Total Knowledge.

    Maharishi Academy of Total Knowledge,Maharishi Academy of Total Knowledge, High School for Leadership, is the first boarding school in the United States to implement the Transcendental Meditation program for academic excellence and stress-free learning.

    浏览量 284
  • [择校指南]美国密歇根州最好的高中有哪些?美国密歇根州高中推荐

    [择校指南]美国密歇根州最好的高中有哪些?美国密歇根州高中推荐,麦康布国际学院(International Academy of Macomb)学校地址: 42755 Romeo Plank Rd, Clinton Township, Michigan 48038就读年级: 9-12年级, 学校56

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  • 英国留学中介-英国教育体系学龄阶段对应!

    英国留学中介-英国教育体系学龄阶段对应!,启蒙教育(1岁以上)3岁入学,Nursery托儿所Reception学前班小学教育(5—11岁)5-11岁,Primary School小学,Year1-68-13岁,Preparatory School预备学校(小学),培养学生进入Public Schoo

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  • 美国布莱尔高中 Blair Academy

    学校位于占地面积为 435公顷的小山顶上,毗邻新泽西州的 Blairstown村庄。 1848年, John Insley Blair 一个富有的商人和铁路大亨,他提议建立了一所学校。Mr.Blair给这所学校命名为 Blair Presbyterial Academy。学校把以教育本地农民和商人的子女为己任,很快就超过了周围的其他社区。 John I.Blair 作为这个学校的校长大概有半个世纪之久。他赠予的一些土地和钱使学校得到了发展和壮大。DeWitt Clinton Blair 继承了他父亲的慷慨大方,提供资金修建体育馆等设施,学校在总体上都得到了改善和扩展。

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  • Highroad Academy 高路学校

    加拿大高路学校(Highroad Academy)简介

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  • 英国留学中介-英国教育体系学龄阶段对应!

    英国留学中介-英国教育体系学龄阶段对应!,启蒙教育(1岁以上)3岁入学,Nursery托儿所Reception学前班小学教育(5—11岁)5-11岁,Primary School小学,Year1-68-13岁,Preparatory School预备学校(小学),培养学生进入Public Schoo

    浏览量 395
  • 美国贝瑞吉预备学校(Bay Ridge Preparatory Academy)美国高中留学|零中介免费办理


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  • 2017United States Military Academy


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  • Hawai&apos&aposi Preparatory Academy.

    Hawai&apos&aposi Preparatory Academy,Aloha! Founded in 1949, Hawai Preparatory Academy (HPA) is one of the premier independent, co-educational college-preparatory boarding and day schools in the Pacific Region offering a full range

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