

Mercersburg Academy.


澳际留学网Mercersburg Academy.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Mercersburg Academy.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Mercersburg Academy.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。

Mercersburg Academy.

  • New York Military Academy.

    New York Military Academy,Call 1-888-ASK-NYMA to schedule an interview today! Since 1889, New York Military Academy has been Educating Tomorrow&aposs Leaders today and providing opportunities that simply put,make good kids better.

    浏览量 744
  • Massanutten Military Academy.

    Massanutten Military Academy,is a coeducational college preparatory school for grades 7 through 12 and one postgraduate year. We also offer a military format for our summer school program.

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  • Randolph-Macon Academy.

    Randolph-Macon Academy,Randolph-Macon Academy is a co-ed college prep school offering Air Force Junior ROTC, flight, a championship speech and debate team, and an award-winning marching band. R-MA was founded in 1892 and stands on a 135-acre campus overlooking Front Royal

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  • San Marcos Baptist Academy.

    San Marcos Baptist Academy,Located 45 miles northeast of San Antonio and 30 miles south of Austin, San Marcos Baptist Academy is a coeducational college-preparatory school with a boarding and day program for boys and girls in grades 7 2. Founded in 1907

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  • Wilbraham & Monson Academy.

    Wilbraham & Monson Academy,Picture a New England boarding school in a small suburban town with brick buildings, lots of lovely foliage, and athletic fields. WMA may seem to fit this prep school stereotype, but is much more than that. What sets our school apart from the rest is

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  • [择校指南]美国寄宿高中丨紧邻耶鲁的柴郡中学Cheshire Academy

    [择校指南]美国寄宿高中丨紧邻耶鲁的柴郡中学Cheshire Academy,每年都有大批优秀的中国学生申请美国高中,美国寄宿高中作为美国私立高中的精华所在,申请竞争最为激烈。今天澳际教育专家为大家推荐一所美国古老而传统的顶级寄宿中学,柴郡中学Cheshire Academy。概况 Cheshir

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  • Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy.

    Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy,The education is strong and the bonds of community are lasting here. Love, respect and compassion are the underpinnings which support

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  • GRE写作范文——The Nobel Academy.

    GRE写作范文——The Nobel Academy,  For the last 82years, Swedens Nobel Academy has decided who will receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, thereby determining who will be elevated from the great and the near great to the immortal. But today the Academy is coming under h

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  • Mercersburg Academy摩尔西斯堡高中.

    Mercersburg Academy摩尔西斯堡高中,Mercersburg Academy作为全日制非赢利性中学,获美国中部各州学校联合会及宾夕法尼亚州教育部门认证。学校占地300亩,环境优美,设施齐全。04-05学年的学生分别来自美国的27个州以及22个国家。学校教育质量优秀,SAT平均分高,毕业生一般都被MIT, Princeton, Tufts等名

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  • The King&apos&aposs Academy.

    The King&apos&aposs Academy,The King&aposs Academy is a Christ-centered day and boarding school reaching local,national and international students of all socioeconomic backgrounds,educating and preparing them academically,emotionally,physically,socially,and spiritually forthe 21st

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  • 迪尔菲尔德中学Deerfield Academy.

    迪尔菲尔德中学Deerfield Academy,Deerfield Academy(迪尔菲尔德中学/高中/学校)创建于1797年,坐落在马萨诸塞州的Deerfield,是美国第一所男女混合学校,也是最古老的学校之一。学校占地280英亩,有一流的设备,包括艺术中心、有85,000册藏书的图书馆、科学馆、电脑中心。学校提供许多奖学金给成绩优秀

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  • Andrews Osborne 学院 - Andrews Osborne Academy.

    Andrews Osborne 学院 - Andrews Osborne Academy,Andrews Osborne学院位于俄亥俄州的Willoughby郡, 拥有一所安全及设施完备的校园--包括优雅艺术联合会和世界级的马术中心. 更为宜人的是, 校园距克里夫兰的文化活动心脏--Circle大学--只有25分钟路程.

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  • Hawai&apos&aposi Preparatory Academy.

    Hawai&apos&aposi Preparatory Academy,Aloha! Founded in 1949, Hawai Preparatory Academy (HPA) is one of the premier independent, co-educational college-preparatory boarding and day schools in the Pacific Region offering a full range

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  • gre写作考试范文10:The Nobel Academy.

    gre写作考试范文10:The Nobel Academy,下面是一篇关于The Nobel Academy的gre写作范文。考生应该从范文中领会到整个文章的结构、用词等,这样才有助于gre写作的提高。

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  • 美国私立高中North Yarmouth Academy.

    美国私立高中North Yarmouth Academy,美国私立高中在美国高中中,更有机会上名校的,所以很多中国学生都会选择去美国私立高中留学。本文为大家分享一下美国私立高中North Yarmouth Academy的信息,希望对大家有所帮助。

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  • 2020美国最好的学校是哪个呢?

    2020美国最好的学校是哪个呢?,排名 学校英文名 学校中文名 所在州1 Phillips Academy 菲利普斯学校安多佛 马萨诸塞州2 Harvard-Westlake School 哈佛西湖中学 加州3 Phillips Exeter Academy 菲利普斯埃克塞特中学 新罕布什尔州4

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  • St. Catherine&apos&aposs Military Academy.

    St. Catherine&apos&aposs Military Academy,St. Catherine&aposs Military Academy, founded in 1889, is the only day/boarding school with a military tradition for boys in grades K-8. An international school, SCMA has a long tradition of academic excellence combined with a renowned Cadet Leadership P

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  • 俄亥俄有哪些大学—教育部认可大学名单

    出国留学时,俄亥俄有哪些大学和俄亥俄州大学名单是广大考生和家长朋友们所关心的问题,以下是教育部认可的适合中国留学生的俄亥俄州大学名单,供大家参考。 1、俄亥俄州大学名单序号学校名称中文名称所在地1Academy of Court Reporting 法庭报告学院俄亥俄州2Academy of Cou

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  • 北雅茅斯学院 North Yarmouth Academy.

    北雅茅斯学院 North Yarmouth Academy,北雅茅斯学院(North Yarmouth Academy)成立于1814 年,是一所私立走读学校。学校历史悠久,风景优美,提供传统的大学预备科目。目前共有注册学生300 名,教师中高达79%具有硕士或有博士学位。

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  • 澳大利亚皇家军事学院申请条件

    申请澳大利亚皇家军事学院(Australian Defence Force Academy, ADFA)是一个需要仔细准备的重要过程。作为世界知名的军事训练机构,ADFA 不仅提供优质的军事教育,还注重培养学员的领导能力和综合素质。以下是申请澳大利亚皇家军事学院所需满足的相关条件:

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  • Mercersburg Academy.

    Mercersburg Academy,Mercersburg Academy prepares young men and women from diverse backgrounds for college and for life in a global community.

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