

Monte Vista Christian School.


澳际留学网Monte Vista Christian School.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Monte Vista Christian School.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Monte Vista Christian School.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。

Monte Vista Christian School.

  • Tallulah Falls School.

    Tallulah Falls School,Tallulah Falls School is a co-ed, college preparatory boarding and day school for students in grades 6-12. Since our founding in 1909, TFS has been uniquely committed to the individual success of students both academically and personally. Our dedicat

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  • Brentwood College School.

    Brentwood College School,Brentwood College is a coeducational university preparatory boarding school whose mission is to nurture, challenge and inspire scholars, athletes and artists as global citizens, stewards and leaders of integrity

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  • CCI The Renaissance School.

    CCI The Renaissance School,CCI The Renaissance School is a coeducational boarding high school providing students a high academic standard, pre-university North American education curriculum in a unique medieval/Renaissance Italy setting.

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  • Verde Valley School.

    Verde Valley School,Verde Valley School is situated among the majestic red rocks of Sedona, Arizona, providing inspiration for artistic and musical expression. In 2007 VVS was named an International Baccalaureate World School with IB classes taught to all students in gr

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  • Villanova Preparatory School.

    Villanova Preparatory School,Villanova Preparatory School was founded in 1924 as a Catholic school in the Augustinian tradition. At Villanova, all educational and extra-curricular activities emphasize the Augustinian values of unity,

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  • Blue Ridge School.

    Blue Ridge School,学校紧靠Blue Ridge 山的东部,占地800 英亩。学校为9 到12 年级有才华的学生提供大学预科课程。学校采用小班教学模式,每个学院都有指导老师。学校的艺术学习中心为学术研究提供了很大的帮助。强大的体育项目使得我们学生可以参加不同的团体或个人体育运动。学生同时可

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  • Kents Hill School.

    Kents Hill School,Kents Hill School的优势在于注重学术发展,小班教学模式(8-15人),师生比列1:6,两周一次的学生报告,以及经验丰富的师资。学校提供11种AP课程、出色的视觉和表演艺术以及环保科研。学校要求学生参加体育运动,如冰上曲棍球、滑雪等。Alfond体育中心里面有体操室、

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  • The Brook Hill School.

    The Brook Hill School,An independent Christian school on a beautiful 200-acre campus, Brook Hill mission is to provide excellence in college preparatory education, affirm the gifts and challenge the potential of each student, and encourage students to honor God through Ch

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  • Dana Hall School.

    Dana Hall School,Dana Hall School, founded in 1881, is a college preparatory boarding and day school for young women located 12 miles west of Boston.

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  • Eagle Hill School.

    Eagle Hill School,Founded in 1967, Eagle Hill School is the premier co-educational, college preparatory boarding school for students in grades 8-12 diagnosed

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  • Fishburne Military School.

    Fishburne Military School,Fishburne Military School has been helping young men in grades 7 - 12 live up to their full potential for over 130 years

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  • Lowell Whiteman School.

    Lowell Whiteman School,Founded in 1957, The Lowell Whiteman School is a small college preparatory co-educational boarding-day school, grades 9 2, situated in the Rocky Mountains of northwestern Colorado.

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  • Oakwood Friends School.

    Oakwood Friends School,"Everybody smiles a lot. That&aposs one of the first things you&aposll notice at Oakwood Friends School. Perhaps it&aposs because Oakwood emphasizes individuality, not uniformity. Held high is respect for the value of each student, teacher and staff member.

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  • Cardigan Mountain School.

    Cardigan Mountain School,Cardigan provides boys with a structured, homelike environment within which mastery of the fundamental academic skills, social and physical growth, and spiritual values can be encouraged.

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  • The Greenwood School.

    The Greenwood School,Founded in 1978, the Greenwood School is a junior boarding and day school for boys ages 9 to 14 at time of admission.

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  • North Country School.

    North Country School,North Country has been in existence since 1938 and is known as a elementary-middle boarding school where students thrive on the joy of learning through core academics embedded in an environment of outdoors, arts, and community life

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  • 英国私立女子学校——Queenswood School -英国留学网

    英国私立女子学校——Queenswood School -英国留学网,经历了100多年的发展,Queenswood School建立了卓越的声誉,成为英国领先的女子学校之一,女孩们在这里接受优良的教育、全面发展,成长为拥有强烈幸福感的年轻女士。该校的考试成绩名列前茅,英国首相撒切尔夫人也

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  • 威斯敏斯特公学(Westminster School)-英国留学中介

    威斯敏斯特公学(Westminster School)-英国留学中介,(Westminster School)位置:伦敦(London)属性:男女混合年龄段:13-18岁入学考试:13+和16+考入牛剑学生数:约97名学生总数:约747名学费(每学期):约8092镑(走读);11686镑(寄宿)

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  • Brandon Hall School.

    Brandon Hall School,Founded in 1959, Brandon Hall focuses on the individual student by providing small group and one-to-one college preparatory classes for average to above average students including those diagnosed with learning disabilities.

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  • New Hampton School.

    New Hampton School,Founded in 1821, New Hampton School offers a transformative education to young men and women from across the country and around the world. The school rigorous college preparatory curriculum is rooted in personal exploration, civic engagement, and glo

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  • Monte Vista Christian School.

    Monte Vista Christian School,You can feel it on the grounds, in the hallways and the classrooms, the laboratories, the dorms, and the athletic fields. Something is different here. It crackles. It pulses. It unique to MVCS, and it no accident.

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