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澳际留学网Verde Valley School.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Verde Valley School.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Verde Valley School.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。
Woodberry Forest School,Woodberry Forest School is a highly selective independent boarding school for boys in grades 9-12. Centered around a 100-year-old, student-run honor system, a Woodberry education emphasizes intellectual thoroughness and moral integrity.
佛得谷高中Verde Valley Schooll学校简介,Verde Valley Schooll佛得谷高中,成立于 1948年,位于亚利桑那州的Sedona,是一所男女合校的寄宿中学,距离凤凰城比较近。学校毕业大学录取率为百分之百。Verde Valley School位于Sedona雄伟壮观的red rocks边,奇特的自然景观更有助于音乐艺术的发挥与想象。同时该校
英国一般多大上大学呢?-英国留学网, college是过渡,之后是大学university.一般来讲,5岁-13岁是primary school.就像我们的小学。而secondary school就象初中,课程被叫做GCSE。如果完成了secondary school学生可以考虑就业或是接受更高教
新加坡立化小学介绍-新加坡留学网,新加坡立化小学介绍新加坡立化小学是新加坡的名校。学校的中文名称,立化,是从校训“立德立功,化愚化顽“中取两个首字命名的,而它的英文名称River Valley High School是因为立化中学以前坐落于River Valley Road。相对来说,它的中文名被赋
新加坡立化小学怎么样-新加坡留学网,新加坡立化小学怎么样新加坡立化小学是新加坡的名校。学校的中文名称,立化,是从校训“立德立功,化愚化顽“中取两个首字命名的,而它的英文名称River Valley High School是因为立化中学以前坐落于River Valley Road。相对来说,它的中文名
Besant Hill School (Formerly Happy Valley School),Founded in 1946 by Aldous Huxley, J. Krishnamurti, Guido Ferrando and Rosalind Rajagopal on 520 acres in the resort town of Ojai, California this boarding school community offers a vigorous college preparatory curriculum with a cornerstone on creativ
Fountain Valley School of Colorado,学校占地面积高达1100 英亩,其宏伟壮观的校区、出色的师资、优秀的学术课程和组织严密的社区,都彰显着一流学府的水准。才华横溢的教师为学生提供大学预科课程,学校每一门学科都有AP 和荣誉课程,其他校园项目,如艺术、体育、户外教育、骑马等。学校投资1500 万美元
新加坡管理大学到底怎样?值得去吗?,新加坡管理大学拥有约10,000名本科生和研究生,由六个学院组成:School of Accountancy 会计学院Lee Kong Chian School of Business 李光前商学院School of Economics 经济学院School of
Beach Primary School-海外留学,关键词:新西兰留学,海外留学,新西兰留学中介,新西兰留学网,新西兰留学申请条件.....
华盛顿大学的排名,华盛顿大学学院介绍1. 文理学院 College of Arts and Sciences2. 医学院 School of Medicine3. 商学院 Foster School of Business4. 法学院 School of Law5. 工学院 College of E
英国名校什鲁斯伯里中学Shrewsbury School-英国留学中介,校外,潺潺的塞文河喝水静静流淌;校内,数百年历史的建筑与现代化的建筑在这里融合碰撞。这所学校就是英国著名九大公学之一的什鲁斯伯里中学,Shrewsbury School,知道伊顿公学的一定都听说过它。什鲁斯伯里中学Shrewsb
Avon Old Farms School,At Avon, academic excellence consists of thorough instruction in the basic disciplines, the development of sound study habits, and the opportunity to be challenged by increasingly complex subject matter.
Stoneleigh-Burnham School,Stoneleigh-Burnham School is a college preparatory boarding/day community for girls, Grades 7 12 and PG that offers a challenging academic program in which girls share their voice and intellect. SBS has an extensive college preparatory curriculum
Wolfeboro: The Summer Boarding School,Wolfeboro: The Summer Boarding School Introduction Since 1910, Wolfeboro has exclusively been a summer boarding school providing a highly structured supportive environment for girls and boys entering
Northfield Mount Hermon School,An international leader among college preparatory boarding schools, Northfield Mount Hermon School offers a rigorous academic program, leadership opportunities, diversity of community, and the best of the traditional and innovative in education.
Stuart Hall School,Stuart Hall School, a member of (Episcopal) Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia, educates the whole child -mind, body, heart, spirit - in a nurturing environment based on honor and respect. The school is coed grades Pre-K - 12 with girls only b
Oak Creek Ranch School,Oak Creek Ranch School (OCRS) is a fully accredited, co-ed boarding school with an enrollment of approximately 90 boys and girls, ages 12-19. (Grades 7-12).
Monte Vista Christian School,You can feel it on the grounds, in the hallways and the classrooms, the laboratories, the dorms, and the athletic fields. Something is different here. It crackles. It pulses. It unique to MVCS, and it no accident.
西北学校 The Northwest School,西北学校提供从6年级至12年级的课程,其中6到8年级为走读制,9到12年级为寄宿。西北学校是自1996年以来获得美国教育部颁发的9所美国优秀私立学校之一,其教育质量享誉全美。
Verde Valley School,Verde Valley School is situated among the majestic red rocks of Sedona, Arizona, providing inspiration for artistic and musical expression. In 2007 VVS was named an International Baccalaureate World School with IB classes taught to all students in gr