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澳际留学网The Williston Northampton School.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对The Williston Northampton School.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新The Williston Northampton School.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。
Ross School,Ross School is a co-educational boarding (grades 8-12) and day school (PK-Grade 12) located on two beautiful campuses in East Hampton and Bridgehampton, about 2 hours east of New York City. The School offers a global,
The Thacher School, 撒切尔学校成立于1889年,坐落在加州,距离洛杉矶85公里,是一所男女合校的寄宿制高中。学校为学生在学术上提供严格的大学预备教育。学校教职工和学生工作生活的地方都紧密的设在一个社区,因为合作,信任,正直和尊重是学校生活的基础。
Tilton School,Founded in 1845, Tilton School is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory school serving students from 9th to 12th grade and postgraduates. Tilton&aposs student body of 250 consists of 61 day students and 189 boarding students from 23 states a
Oakland School,Academic program for dyslexic/learning disabled students 6-14 at admissions. Coed. Residential or Day. Individualized programs with emphasis on reading, written language, math, study skills. Extensive recreational program, including horseback riding.
Westover School,Westover is a selective boarding and day school of 209 girls, grades 9-12, located in a classic New England town 90 miles from New York City. We prepare our students to meet the challenges of the world&aposs top colleges.
Canterbury School,Founded in 1915 and still guided by lay Roman Catholics, Canterbury is an independent college preparatory, coeducational boarding and day school for students in grades 9-12.
Dublin School,At Dublin School we strive to awaken a curiosity for knowledge and a passion for learning. We instill the values of discipline
Dunn School,Dunn School is a college preparatory school with a focus on developing each student&aposs academic and personal potential.
The Hockaday School,The Hockaday School, established in 1913 by Ela Hockaday, provides an outstanding college preparatory education for girls in the prekindergarten through twelfth grades.
McCallie School,One of the premier boys schools in the nation, McCallie has provided rigorous college preparation in a Christian context since 1905.
Oliverian School,The Oliverian mission is to educate students who despite experiencing difficulties want to transition to a college preparatory setting where they are inspired and supported as they prepare to succeed in a complex intricate and everchanging world
Perkiomen School,Perkiomen School is a traditional and structured coeducational college preparatory boarding and day school. Founded in1875, Perkiomen School has a philosophy focused on creating an effective environment
Salisbury School,Salisbury School sits on a beautiful hilltop in northwestern Connecticut approximately two hours from the heart of New York City. A Salisbury education combines academic rigor and support
Hillside School,Since 1901, Hillside School, an all-boys junior boarding school for Grades 5-9, has continued its mission of working with boys in their formative years. Students work to develop academic and social skills while building confidence and maturity.
Sedbergh School,Sedbergh School is a university preparatory school which offers young men and women an education that expands beyond the classroom. Through academics, athletics, outdoor education and environmental awareness, we prepare students for university and li
The Hill School,The Hill School 建于1851年,一直致力于追求卓越的学术成就。师生们亲密无间,老师们为学生选择最合适的大学提供指导。 为学生提供杰出的教育课程,为学生将来考取美国著名大学以及将来事业的成功打下良好基础。学校课程强调批判性思考及写作。该校有25 门AP 课程供学
Wasatch School,Wasatch Academy 坐落于美丽的犹他州中部,是犹他州历史最悠久的传统寄宿学校。秉承一关的严谨教学与丰富多彩的课外项目相结合的优良传统,Wasatch在体育、社区服务、文化灌输、领导力培养以及户外活动等方面都独树一帜。
Foxcroft School,Founded in 1914, Foxcroft School is a college preparatory boarding and day school for girls in grades 9 through 12.
The Kiski School,One of America oldest boys boarding schools, Kiski enrolls young gentlemen from all over the world who wish to prepare for the rigors of the nation best universities.
The Knox School,The Knox School is a small, coed, boarding (grades 7 - 12) and day (grades 6 - 12) school which offers a college preparatory curriculum within a supportive family environment.
The Williston Northampton School,"Williston is an exceptionally well-balanced educational community in the Five College-Amherst, Smith, Mt. Holyoke, Hampshire & UMASS-area of Western Massachusetts. Our academic program will provide you every opportunity to challenge yourself, develo
威利斯顿北汉普顿中学 The Williston Northampton School,威利斯顿北汉普顿中学是一个少有的均衡发展的教育组织,学术上的规划提供给每一个学生机会挑战自己,发展一些新的兴趣和用一些创新的方法解决传统的课题。