

St. Michaels University School.


澳际留学网St. Michaels University School.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对St. Michaels University School.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新St. Michaels University School.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。

St. Michaels University School.

  • 澳洲大学排名

    QS世界大学排名是全球最受认可的大学评估机构之一。根据2023年的排名结果,以下是澳洲大学的Top 10:澳大利亚国立大学 (Australian National University) 墨尔本大学 (University of Melbourne) 邦德大学 (Bond University) 悉尼大学 (University of Sydney) 新南威尔士大学 (University of New South Wales)

    浏览量 1228
  • St. Paul&apos&aposs School圣保罗中学.

    St. Paul&apos&aposs School圣保罗中学,1856年,圣保罗中学(St. Paul&apos&apos&apos&aposs School)成立于新罕布什尔州,学校占地2,000英亩,是一所男女合校寄宿学校,提供9-12年级的课程。学校环境优美,山水如画。现有学生524名,分别来自38州和18个国家。由于有其宗教背景,学校在尊重传统的基础上,发展学生间的友谊互爱,

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  • St. Johnsbury Academy.

    St. Johnsbury Academy,学校坐落于美丽的城镇,环境优雅,同时为学生提供完备的设施。学生来自美国25 个州,20 个不同国家。学校提供245 种不同程度的课程,包括23 种AP 课程、40 种艺术课程、5 种语言课程以及20 种工科课程等。学校课外活动节目丰富, 学生可以加入40 支不同团队以及参加60

    浏览量 495
  • Academy of St. Xavier.

    Academy of St. Xavier,The Academy of St. Xavier is a residential school for young men in grades 7-12. Located in northwest Iowa, in the middle of the Heartland, the area is renowned for its quality education, safe environment and rural hospitality.

    浏览量 522
  • 2019年英国商科大学排名-英国留学网

    2019年英国商科大学排名-英国留学网,  2、University of St Andrews3、10University of Warwick3、University of Bath5、Loughborough University6、University of Leeds7、Lancaster

    浏览量 337
  • St. Croix Schools.

    St. Croix Schools,St. Croix is a university preparation school for students in grades 6 12 with a reputation for being an excellent value encompassed in a very friendly and safe environment. While the academic standards are high,

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  • St. Stanislaus College.

    St. Stanislaus College,The mission of St. Stanislaus College, a Catholic resident and day school for young men, is to teach Gospel values and to nurture the total development of each student according to the charism of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart

    浏览量 914
  • 2019年TIMES英国大学商科专业排名Top10-英国留学网

    2019年TIMES英国大学商科专业排名Top10-英国留学网,   2、University of St Andrews3、10University of Warwick3、University of Bath5、Loughborough University6、University of

    浏览量 398
  • 美国圣罗斯高中 St. Rose High School

    St. Rose High School 的建立是为了教育年轻的男孩和女孩以至于开发他们在精神上,学术上和社会潜力。学校的使命就是自1923年建校以来作为一所教区学校,从天主教的教育出发教育学生。St. Rose优秀的教职员工,适应世界的不断发展,创造一个安全, 有支持性,有原则性和纪律性的氛围和完善的课程,给与并培养每个学生的荣誉感,自豪感,价值观,和能力。在这个学校里师生们紧密协作,团结,教职员工把自己奉献给天主教教育和完善的学术,他们带来了财富,技术和经验。

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  • 美国圣乔治高中 St. George’s School

    St. George学校提供一个严谨的大学预科课程,高标准和活跃的课堂讨论,与此同时我们还坚持小班授课和互动对话和辩论,在St. George学习学生必须去了解老师和创作课题,我们也会庆祝我们在接受挑战信心方面的不断成长和民主进程。St. George学校的课程计划是一个不同的程序,每个新学生的学习课程根据导师的提议有不同的学习课程计划。课程水平由院长依据学术上的熟练程度制定,而不是依据年级和年龄。课程很重要,因为它能使每个学生确定自己下个学年和接下来几个学年的目标,使自己有很多的选择去发现并探索自身的特长,通过做出选择证明自己在学术上的优势。

    浏览量 966
  • 2019年TIMES英国大学商科专业排名Top20-英国留学网

    2019年TIMES英国大学商科专业排名Top20-英国留学网,   2、University of St Andrews3、10University of Warwick3、University of Bath5、Loughborough University6、University of

    浏览量 1931
  • Episcopal High School.

    Episcopal High School,Episcopal 是一所全寄宿学校,学生来自30 个州以及10 个同学国家。学校师资实力雄厚,采用小班教学模式(平均11 人/班)。学校为学生提供40 门AP 和进阶课程,现代技术的使用更好的提高了学生的学习效率。学校的优势在于大量的艺术课程、体育运动项目供学生选择;高年级

    浏览量 930
  • Ojai Valley School.

    Ojai Valley School,学校创建于1911年,以其充满乐趣、丰富多彩的课程以及各式活动闻名。学校获得加州独立学校联合会认证。针对PK(幼儿园学前班)—12年级(相当于我国高中)的学生招生,学校要求3—12年级的学生寄宿。学校升学率100%。学校提供ESL课程。学生周末时可以到周边环境优美、迷

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  • Woodside Priory School.

    Woodside Priory School,Woodside Priory School位于距旧金山南35英里的Portola Valley市,学校占地面积60英亩,靠近斯坦福大学和硅谷。学校成立于1957年,是一所独立的天主教大学预科男女混合学校,具有本笃会(天主教隐修会之一)的传统,现共有三百五十多名初高中学生,兼有走读和寄宿生。

    浏览量 334
  • Saint James School.

    Saint James School,Throughout its history, Saint James has remained committed to the precepts of sound mind and body, emphasizing the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and moral development of each student through challenging academics

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  • The Stony Brook School.

    The Stony Brook School,Founded in 1922 with the motto "Character Before Career," The Stony Brook School educates students in matters of the mind, body, and heart. Students are trained to be leaders with integrity and virtue. We find that character is essential

    浏览量 618
  • Thomas Jefferson School.

    Thomas Jefferson School,A coeducational boarding and day school, Thomas Jefferson School gives its students the strongest possible classical education within a close-knit, international community. A belief in greater student responsibility translates into a daily schedule o

    浏览量 767
  • The Bishop Strachan School.

    The Bishop Strachan School,With over 140 years of experience helping young women become leaders, BSS is among the premier girls&apos schools in North America. The school focuses on technology-based curriculum and offers the widest selection of internationally recognized Advanced P

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  • Linden Hill School.

    Linden Hill School,Linden Hill School was founded by George and Penny Hayes in 1961 to provide a nurturing family-like atmosphere in which the Orton-Gillingham phonics approach could be implemented for the remediation of boys with dyslexia.

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  • Venta Preparatory School.

    Venta Preparatory School,Venta is the only school in Canada to offer a boarding program for students in SK continuing up to Grade 10. We welcome students from all over the world. Even the youngest child will find a safe, caring and nuturing environment.

    浏览量 666
  • St. Michaels University School.

    St. Michaels University School,At St. Michaels University School, we believe many of the most important lessons both intellectual and personal enable students to discover not only who they are as individuals but who they have the potential to become.

    浏览量 733
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